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Galaxy Sites
Sample Galaxies

Home Page
Jeffie's Page
Lesa's Page

Lesa & Jeffie's Moon Adoption Agency

I enjoy adopting cyber pets, naming them all, and giving them cute little homes on my pages. If you go to my site, you'll see that I have a whole collection of cyber pets which I adopted from all over the Internet. I wanted to create something new and maybe start my own adoption agency. Since I like the moon and stars, I figured that would be a new type of cyber pet....or cyber moon and star.

I am not good at all in creating graphics or pages, so I asked my great friend Jeffie to help me out, and now here it is. I like what he has done with everything and would like to take this moment to thank him. You can visit his page by clicking on the link on the left.

I hope you'll enjoy these moons and stars and be kind enough to put a link back to this page for others to know where you got them from. Thanks,