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St Patrick's Day Parade 2000- Dublin - Webcam
DUBLIN in Real Video
The Corrs in New York - Real Video
Van Morrison - Have I Told You lately? - Real Audio
Carrickfergus - The lyrics
"Coming down from Downpatrick, stopping off at St. John's Point . . . Strangford Lough early in the morning. Drove through Shrigley taking pictures and on to Killyleagh. Stopped off for Sunday papers at the Lecale district, just before Coney Island.
"On and on, over the hill to Ardglass in the Jamjar, autumn sunshine, magnificent and all shining through . . . And all the time going to Coney Island I'm thinking, 'wouldn't it be great if it was like this all the time?' "
Van Morrison, Coney Island, Copyright 1989, by Essential Music.
A bit about myself. I was born in a little town called Holywood, County Down in Northern Ireland which is about five miles from Belfast (that's just a stones throw, if you'll pardon the expression).
At the age of sixteen and after being bombarded by episodes of "Skippy the Bush Kangaroo" on Ulster Television, I gave in and hopped over (or is it down?) to Australia to live (a classic case of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em").
I lived in Sydney for a number of years and it is still one of the most if not the most beautiful city in the world. In 1989 I decided to opt for the quiet life once again and moved to Perth in Western Australia a mere 2500 miles or so away and that is where I currently live.
Well, when I first deceided to construct these pages, I thought..."What am I going to put on them"? Then it came to me........Everytime I go back to Ireland for a holiday people ask me about Australia and when I come back to Australia everybody asks me about Ireland. So that was it!.........I came to the conclusion that I should dedicate these pages to my old home and my new home. I'll be adding links to my favourite sites in both countries starting off where I started off.....Ireland.........
I've put a few photos in here and you can have a deeko(sorry ...slang) by going to the bottom of this page and clicking the link.
My dog KC has his own page which he insisted on by the old "lockjaw on the ankle" trick. Well he IS a Jack Russell. I've also put a few photos of Ireland and Australia in there and I'll add more as I scan them....Oh by the way, some of these pages are graphics intensive so they may take a few secs to load but I hope you find it worth the wait.
Note: I have a lot of links on these pages and they go up and down like a fiddler's elbow but just because they aren't up today doesn't mean that they won't be up tomorrow(well..we live in hope) so if you come across a broken one don't worry..that's my job ;-) I'll get to it/them eventually.
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A Scathing example of the human race's attitude to its co-inhabitants on this planet. A BETRAYAL OF TRUST.
Do the right thing and help them.
The Peace Process in Northern Ireland(and 1999 in review in Real Video)
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Picture Gallery..(A few here and still scanning)
KC's Jack Russell Page
(He just had to have his own page)
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