Hi! I'm Janet Lawrence. Becoming a parent of a child diagnosed with Autism is a lot like being prepared for a trip to Italy and ending up in Holland instead...hence the name of this webpage.
I have been in "Holland" for just over 10 years now and I am becoming so familiar with it that I have decided to construct my own "tourist information" site to help other parents who have suddenly found themselves in "Holland," too.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: I am not a physician or an attorney. The information that you will find on this site is for educational purposes only. I am not affilliated with any aspect of the Dutch Netherlands Department of Tourism, either.
I have four children,
Jack, Sarah,
LeeAnn,. I am
Janet. My
husband isTim.
I love all four of my children and I learn as much if not more from them as they have learned from me.
Things I have learned from my children.
Ashbergers? Apgar Syndrome? Asperger's Syndrome? Asperger Syndrome?
Learn More About Autism at These Workshops and Conferences
How We Came to "Holland" - Our Early Adventures In Autism
A Free Appropriate Education in Holland
Are You Having Difficulty Obtaining A Free Appropriate Education For Your Child?
Community Based Education Project that I Wrote
Teaching Tips
for Children and Adults with Autism
To Diagnose or Not to Diagnose?
Visual Supports to Help People with Autism to Navigate through "Holland"
How To
Keep Your Sanity While You Are In "Holland"
How Do You Feel About Tiny Tim?
Mourn for Us an essay by Jim Sinclair.
If your child with autism could speak to you, this is
what your child might say...
I used to teach children with Learning Disabilities and ADHD. Check out my Learning Disabilities Links
This is YOUR page,too! I invite you to share your experiences in "Holland" to help construct this website and keep it relevant and meaningful.
I also invite you to share your talent, creativity, and resourcefulness with others on my new messageboard.
Please email me if you want to talk about finding your way around this exciting new country of "Holland."
P.S. This website is updated quite often. Y'all come back now!
A special word of thanks goes to:
Janet Norman-Bain from Prince Edward Island, Canada
Kristi Sayles,
Writing Teacher Consultant
Writing Project, University of Tennessee at Martin
also to Helen for the great windmill graphic!
Web Page Author: Janet Lawrence
Email Us!
Updated: 07/01/01
While I do not consider this website as a commercial venture, I do endorse other websites from time to time that I feel deserve all of the recognition and web coverage that they can get on behalf of individuals with disabilities and their families. These websites include:
The Worldwide Virtual Community of the Disabled
The Disability Related Book Store
The Nth Degree AwareWear(R)Company
Special Education Legal Rights Strategies and Resources
My Favorite Tour Sites
Other Autism Related Resources on the Internet
Kentucky Autism Training Center