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Rare Hunters' Kingdom - Yugioh



Character Bios:

Yuugi Motou

Yugi is a freshman at Domino High School who is always picked on because of his short size. An expert at Duel Monsters (well he turns out to bee), Yugi learned how to duel from his grandpa. Grandpa supplies Yugi with some of the most powerful cards like the unstoppable Exodia (which gets lost). After solving the Millennium Puzzle he has around his neck (and that painful looking chain, it's odd that he doesn't have a rash), Yugi was filled with dark powers that causes him to transform to Yami Yugi. Yugi becomes very famous after beating the world champion, Seto Kaiba.

Joey Wheeler

Joey is a tough teenager who use to bully Yugi. In fact, he even threw a piece of the Millenium Puzzle out the window and into a pool. All that changed when Joey and Tristan were being beat up by a bigger bully. When he was going to finish the two off Yugi stepped in and took the beating because he considered them his friends. Joey was a poor duelist because his deck only contained monster cards until Yugi's grandpa taught Joey how to master the card game. Joey's favorite card is the Flame Swordsman. I like him because he is very funny.

Tea Gardner

Tea is a very sweet and pretty girl who has an upbeat additude and known Yugi before Joey or Tristan. She is the biggest cheerleader in the group and is a fellow duelist herself. Her dream is to study dance at New York. Tea works at a burger joint to earn the money she needs to fly to New York. Although Tea is not an elite duelist she still managed to beat Joey five times in a row because Joey's deck contained only monster cards. A kind and caring person, Tea is willing to help anyway she can.

Tristan Taylor

Tristan is a close friend who use to bully Yugi with Joey until Yugi took a beating for him and Joey. Now Tristan is a close friend of Yugi who will always have Yugi's back no matter what the situation is. Tristan loves Duel Monsters as much as anyone but doesn't really care as much. He doesn't see the true meaning of Duel Monsters and doesn't realize how valuble a card is also until he went to the Duelist Kingdom. Tristan is not a great duelist so he had to sneak in with Tea to get into Duelist Kingdom.

Yugi's Grandpa

Grandpa specializes in Duel Monsters and developed one of the strongest decks in the world. He once owned one of the extremely rare Blue Eyes White Dragon until he lost a duel to the World Champion Seto Kaiba. Kaiba then tore it up. Yugi now uses his grandpa's deck which contains some of the most powerful cards in the game like Dark Magician, Summon Skull, Curse of Dragon, Gaia The Fiece Knight, and pieces to Exodia. Yugi must now defeat Maximillion Pegasus if he wants to reclaim his grandpa's soul.


Serenity is Joey's younger sister who has been separated for over 6 years. Serenity was born with really bad eyes and soon without surgery will become blind. The surgery is extremely expensive so Joey hopes to win at Duelist Kingdom to recieve the 3 million dollar reward to pay for the surgery. Serenity is one of the 4 people who some duelists are hoping to save. Yugi is trying to save his grandpa just like Joey wants to help Serenity. Serenity lives with her mother while Joey lives with his father. The Duelists

Seto Kaiba

After his parents died Kaiba the rich CEO of a huge multinational high-tech corporation called KaibaCorp. Because of his abundence of wealth Kaiba can buy the rarest, most powerful Duel Monsters card ever created. Kaiba all 3 of the Blue Eyes White Dragon cards after destroying the fourth card. Kaiba was the undefeated Duel Monsters world champion until he lost to Yugi in an unoffcial match. After losing he pulls out of the regional championship. Kaiba then wins a rematch against Yugi.

Duke Devlin

Duke Devlin is the creator of Dungeon Dice monsters, and the all in one fan club of Pegasus. (That's my kind of person) Anyway Duke Devlin's Game Shop draws more attention than Grandpa's does. So then the adventures begin, and in the end Yugi's goodness is enough to make Devlin understand the errors in his ways.

Rex Raptor

Rex Raptor is another one of my favorite characters. Yes, I know I have a lot of favorites, but anyway Rex Raptor is one of your arrogant duelist who believes power is everything in a duel. Rex Raptor's deck is filled with strong dinosaurs, and lost to Weevil Underwood in the regionals.

Weevil Underwood

Weevil is the stereotype of a bad duelist, Weevil finds creative ways to cheat and to have the upper edge when dueling his opponent. Weevil's deck consist of mainly bug-type monsters. Weevil won the Regionals, but was the first won to loose the Duelist Kingdom tournament.


Pegasus is the creator of Duel Monsters Cards, and not originally the game. Pegasus is the mastermind behind Industrial Illusions, the company that works hand in hand with Kaiba Corporation for technological purposes. Pegasus is owner of the millennium eye, the strongest millennium item of them all. Pegasus makes sure he has every advantage working in his favor when he duels. Pegasus has a crush on Cecilia and then eventually marries her. Pegasus wonders to Egypt in hope of finding a strong enough magic to restore his love to the way she was. When dueling Pegasus acts like a kid, and uses cards that where kept out of the game because there power was to incredible. Toon creatures were developed by Pegasus for the thrill of reminding him of his favorite comic character "FUNNY BUNNY." Pegasus eventually looses to Yugi in a duelist competition and has his millennium item stolen from him by Bakura.

Ryou Bakura

Bakura is the mysterious friend of Yugi who also duels. Téa often times spots him when they were arriving at Duelist Kingdom. A expert duelist Bakura holds the all-powerful Millenium Ring which gives him special powers like Yugi's Millenium Puzzle gives him powers. Most of the time Bakura doesn't hang around Yugi that much but does watch him closely while Yugi duels (Like in the first episode). Bakura has many similarities as Yugi. Bakura tags along with Yugi at the Duelist Kingdom.

Millenium Items:

Yuugi - Millenium Puzzle

Isis - Millenium Necklace

Malik - Millenium Rod

Shadi - Millenium Scale, and Key

Pegesus - Millenium Eye

Ryou Bakura - Millenium Ring, and Eye (after Duelist kingdom)

Full Faq

Millennium Puzzle

Owner: Yugi Moto Abilities: It gives the owner the ability to win any game. It can also return souls to their proper bodies and crush the mind of the evil, sending their soul to the shadow Realm. Spirits Within: Yu-Gi-Oh, Ancient Pharaoh of Egypt Strengths: Can never lose duel monsters games or battles Weaknesses: Spirit that will go all out to win, and there are many pieces to it, making it easy to break. Appearance: Episode 1, Season One, Solving the Millennium Puzzle

Millennium Ring

Owner: Egyptian Marketers, as of before Episode 1, Season 1 New Owner: Ryou Bakura, As of Episode 1, Season 1 Abilities: Can erase people short turn memories. Can pull souls from people and take them to the shadow realm. It can also route paths and direct you to the other six millennium items. Spirits Within: Yami Bakura, Enemy of the pharaoh, grave theft, theft of millennium items Strengths: Can make people forget events, can take souls and annihilate them. Weaknesses: Has an evil and reckless spirit within, who is hard to control and keep hidden. Appearance: Episode 12, Season 2, Live the Game

Millennium Eye

Owner: Egyptian Sorcerer, as of beginning of story New Owner: Maximillion Pegasus J. Crawford Newest Owner: Ryou Bakura Abilities: The power to look threw other eyes, the power to read peoples minds, and the power to steal souls from mortals and put them in a form of a card. Spirits Within: None, but it influences evil Strengths: Can see all over, can read minds, can gain power by stealing souls Weaknesses: You lose an eye for goodness sake!, Many counters Appearance: Episode 2, Season 2, The Gauntlet is Thrown

Millennium Necklace

Owner: Isis Ishtal Newest Owner: Yugi Moto Abilities: Can see into the future and past Spirits Within: None Strengths: You will know what will happen and what happened in the far past Weakness: No real POWER, per say Appearance: Episode 50-60, Season 2, Summary: Kaiba meats Isis, who gives him a god card to work for a goal, Isis is on the good side. When the necklace loses power, she gives it to Yugi.

Millennium Key

Owner: Shadi Abilities: Allows the person to look completely into someone's mind and alter their personality. Spirits Within: None Strengths: Can drain evil and open minds Weaknesses: Personality altering cannot always come in handy Appearance: Episode 40, Season 2 Summary: Shadi meats Yugi once the power of the millennium eye is drained in Episode 40, King of Duelists, King of Games, Yu-Gi-Oh!

Millennium Scale

Owner: Shadi Abilities: Allows the person to judge someone. If they ask a person a question, they must answer at it must be the truth or they are punished. Strengths: Can banish people can find any information and allows the owner to know if the person can be trusted. Weaknesses: Very large and heavy. Appearance: Episode 40, Season 2 Summary: In Episode 40, Shadi needs to know if Yugi might be a theft.

Millennium Rod

Owner: Malik (marik) Abilities: Allows the owner to read and control minds, and brainwash them. Levitation of objects is possible when used correctly. Can be a dagger. Strengths: Mind control, of course, Brainwashing is always good. And an invincible dagger? And a light object. Go, Rod, Go. Weaknesses: I cannot find any, because There is none(I think). I am still not saying it is the best item, but it surely is not the worst. It is also my favorite. Custom Items

If you have come up with your own custom millenium Item (just for fun) you can enter your item in for our contest, The one I pick gets there Item displayed on this page with, a full bio on it and the owners name(your name or nick name) Contest starts: APRIL 4th*
