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Adrian Confirms for The Gathering IV Convention

Adrian has confirmed that he will attend The Gathering IV Convention to be held in Denver, Colorado on October 16-18, 1998. Please bear in mind that this confirmation is subject to professional commitments. For information on the convention, check out the Gathering IV website.

Adrian Attends the Premiere of "Lethal Weapon 4"

On July 7, Adrian attended the world premiere of "Lethal Weapon 4" at Mann's Chinese Theater in Hollywood, California. Also in attendence were LW4 cast members, Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Rene Russon, Chris Rock, Joe Pesci, and Jet Li. Adrian did speak to TNT and appeared briefly in the E! coverage of the premiere. The latest issue of the tabloid, "The Examiner," features a photo of Adrian at the event.

Adrian in TV Zone Magazine

TV Zone, a British Sci-Fi Magazine, is featuring an article on Adrian in the latest edition. Barnes and Noble carries the magazine. The issue that features Adrian is Special #29. The article runs six full pages and features quite a few photos from Highlander.

Adrian Attended the Cannes Film Festival

Adrian spent a few days in Cannes during the Cannes Film Festival. All of the major entertainment magazine programs were in attendance, so keep your eye out for Adrian. Clips of both "Convergence" and "Susan's Plan" were shown, so Adrian should have gotten some press while there.

"Susan's Plan" and Adrian Mentioned in Army Archerd's "Daily Variety" Column

Adrian was mentioned along with "Susan's Plan" in the May 5, 1998 edition of Army Archerd's "Daily Varitey" column. If you'd like to read the article, you can check it out here.

Adrian Announces Plans for The PEACE Foundation

While appearing at the convention in Anaheim, Adrian announced his plans to form The PEACE Foundation. This foundation, a seperate entity from PEACE-APFC, will aid children who are ill, on the streets, or in need of medical care. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.

Adrian Appeared on "Vibe"

Adrian appeared on the syndicated talk show "Vibe" starring Sinbad on April 23, 1998. Tyra Banks and Zen Gesner of "Sinbad" also made appearances. Adrian talked "Highlander," participated in a sword demonstration, and announced the formation of The PEACE Foudnation to a national audience. From all appearances, everyone had a terrific time! If you're interested in reading about and seeing photos of Adrian's last talk show appearance on "Gaberau Live" on March 23, check out the recent appearances page.

Adrian in Anaheim

Adrian spent the weekend with 3000 fans in Anaheim, California, the weekend of April 10-12. A great time was had by all. I got some shots of Adrian (and others) at the convention and will be posting those to the web shortly. If you have any photos of the weekend that you'd like to share, particularly of Adrian at the PEACE table, please let me know or scan and send! I'd like to post as many photos as possible! Thanks to everyone who stopped by the PEACE table over the weekend. It was wonderful to meet so many new people. Thanks for being so cooperative. All of the PEACE volunteers appreciated it more than you'll ever know. You guys rock!

TV Now has added Adrian to their monthly television listings. Click here to get a complete listing of Adrian's television appearances for the month! Find out where and when Adrian's movies, and an exhaustive number of "Highlander" episodes, will be airing in your area.

Show your support for Adrian by voting to put him back in the top spot on the USA Weekend Celebrity A-List. If you are curious to see how he's doing in the poll, check out the latest standings.

It's official! Adrian has signed to star in the fourth "Highlander" film. Production on the series has ended, and HL4 will begin shooting in the Fall of 1998.

Check out the nice things that USA Weekend had to say about Adrian in their "Who's News" question and answer section.

Do you like what you see? Drop me a line!
This page was updated on July 18, 1998. Copyright 1997, Carrie Weidner.