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07/08/01 mod gets moving -Project leader
Were working hard to get a story together, espect a brief acount of the story in a week or less. Also we want someone to design us a new web site with new graphics. design the website and take a screen shot of it and send it in as a jpeg to the project leader, 800x600 max please. Once we have someone we may consider taking them on as a web master.

Submitted to Payne Reactor:
Take a step into the dark and closed off world of Leon, find out what it means to be a real professional. You may have seen the film, and you may know the story told and how things end. But you don't know the untold story of how things started....

30/07/01 site launched! -Project Leader
Welcome to the official site for the Leon modification to max payne™ as we have just started out we are looking for people with game modification knowledge to join the team as level designers, coders and characters modelers. Please note that becuase of copy write laws we may not be able to do the story of leon which is featured on DVDs , TV and VHS. But he already have plans to do somthing including leon, you will just have to wait..