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MS-DOS External Commands

The RESTORE Command


Restores files that were backed up by using the BACKUP command.

Command Syntax:

RESTORE drive1: drive2:[path[filename]] [/S] [/P] [/B:date] [/A:date] [/E:time] [/L:time] [/M] [/N] [/D]

Explanation of Syntax:

drive1: specifies the drive on which the backup files are stored.
drive2:[path[filename]] specifies the file(s) to restore.
[/S] restores files in all subdirectories in the path.
[/P] prompts before restoring read-only files or files changed since the last backup (if appropriate attributes are set).
[/B] restores only files last changed on or before the specified date.
[/A] restores only files changed on or after the specified date.
[/E] restores only files last changed at or earlier than the specified time.
[/L] restores only files changed at or later than the specified time.
[/M] restores only files changed since the last backup.
[/N] restores only files that no longer exist on the destination disk.
[/D] displays files on the backup disk that match specifications.

Command Use:

This command can be used at the command prompt and in batch files.