The WAMA Alliance is devoted to ensuring the quality of the
martial arts around the world today. This organization was
founded in 1980 by Soke Grandmaster Alan Kates, 10th Dan,
and its purpose is to align high quality martial arts
schools and organizations around the world, who are
dedicated to maintaining the true traditions and integrity
of the Arts.
- School I.D.
Techniques of the Arts".
Most Martial Arts have become
so commercialized that many people view them as recreational
exercises. This places the
martial arts in the position described by the following Korean
proverb: The monk was not interested in the (religious) Service but
was only interested in taking the food after the Service.
The art of SA-GI-DO is a traditional American Martial Art
developed by Grandmaster Alan K. Kates. The name of the art is
communicated by the Korean Language because of the relative simplicity
of the language in the expression of ideas related to the Martial Arts
in comparison to English. Furthermore, it is an expression of respect
and appreciation towards the Korean systems, from which SA GI DO takes
many of it's basic techniques.
Literally translates, SA-GI-DO means "Deadly Techniques of
the Arts".
Soo Do: Way of the Iron Fist and Foot
Soo Do has 60% legs and 40% hand techniques,and was founded by
Grandmaster Hwang Kee. Tang Soo Do is a composite style,being 60% Soo Bahk Do, 30%
northern Chinese and 10%
southern Chinese.
Ki Do or Hapkido means “The
art of coordinated
Hap-coordinated to form
togetherness in the martial arts
Ki-inner power or life force
Do-the way of life
This martial arts and self defense system consist of circular motions incorporating kicks, punches, throwing, joint-locks (breaks) and submission techniques (choke holds). It is a versatile style of martial arts designed to teach you distance and close contact self defense. The attacks focus on the weakest parts of the opponent’s body such as arteries, nerves, joints, and organs, known as pressure points. The defensive movements are circular motions to diminish or neutralize the attacker’s power.
Tae Kwon Do means “The art of kicking and punching”
Tae-to use your
feet (kicking)
Kwon-to use your hand (punching or striking)
Do-the way of life.
This martial arts and self defense system consists of 75% kicking and 25% blocking or striking. The attacks are designed to directly and effectively strike the opponent. Taekwondo has four types of discipline, which are Forms, Sparring, Self-defense, and Breaking. Characterized as a modern style of martial arts and self defense using fast, high, and spinning kicks this is a great martial arts system for children. Taekwondo also teaches confidence, discipline, and respect.
What is Kodokan Judo Judo is many things to different people. It is a fun sport, an art, a discipline, a recreational or social activity, a fitness program, a means of self-defense or combat, and a way of life. Kodokan Judo comes to us from the fighting system of feudal Japan. Founded in 1882 by Dr. Jigoro Kano, Judo is a refinement of the ancient martial art of Jujutsu. Dr. Kano, President of the University of Education, Tokyo, studied these ancient forms and integrated what he considered to be the best of their techniques into what is now the modern sport of Judo.
Judo was introduced into the Olympic Games in 1964 and is practiced by millions of people throughout the world today. People practice Judo to excel in competition, to stay in shape, to develop self-confidence, and for many other reasons.
History of Filipino Martial Arts The history of the Philippines stretches all the way back as far as 900 AD. Examining the history of the Philippines as a nation, it is clear that martial arts have always been an essential part of the Filipino society. Many different cultures and migrants influenced the martial arts of the Philippines, like in many other places.
Muay Thai Muay Thai has a long history in Thailand and is the country's national sport. Traditional Muay Thai practiced today varies significantly from the ancient art Muay Boran and uses kicks and punches in a ring with gloves similar to those used in Western boxing. Muay Thai is referred to as "The Science of Eight Limbs", as the hands, shins, elbows, and knees are all used extensively in this art. A master practitioner of Muay Thai thus has the ability to execute strikes using eight "points of contact," as opposed to "two points" (fists) in Western boxing and "four points" (fists, feet) used in the primarily sport-oriented forms of martial arts.
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