Mystyfii's Release of Emotions, A Neverending Flow

"Mystyfii's Warrior Series"

Lone Warrior

He travels these lonely roads
wishing for one sliver of hope
to shine through...
Perhaps, just someone to help share
his heavy load.

Tired of the old ancient dance
that has put his heart
in a frozen trance,
Black Magic spinning
the lies of romance.

Standing tall and proud upon the mountain peak
With his dark hair covering his shoulders,
His eyes a misty green, unlike anything I've ever seen
A fine warrior, searching the horizon for his dreams...
How his heart aches and screams for release.

The hunger for someone to understand him...the real him
That comes from within.
The proud, strong, sensitive man that loves with
every fiber of his being, but ...can also walk away at the first
thought of betrayal.

His passions consume him, longing for the worthy one
But he hides behind his disguise of being tough and rough
Ferocious like a lion ... never letting anyone get too close.

He hunts for the woman that will ignite the fire in his soul
and comfort him as they grow old
Feeding from one another, becoming equals in all they do.

Lone Warrior, let down your guard, look in front of you
for that love is standing right there ... grasp her hand, let her inside
And watch the joy begin as all the old pain subsides.

Lone Warrior, look unto the sun ... and follow the warmth and light
that arises from it.

Lone Warrior... close your eyes, take a deep breath,
Make a wish, wipe away those tears of many years,
Slowly... carefully ... open your eyes...
A golden angel before you appears ...

© 1999 Sharon Frost

Captivating Warrior

Strong and true,
my life has been blessed by you.

Nobel and proud,
you stand alone ~ above the crowd.

Intense and captivating,
you send my heart palpitating.

Charming and mesmerizing,
your roguish smile is so disarming.

Seductive and alluring,
you have my passions burning.

Fearless and lionhearted,
a peacefulness has started.

Exhilarating and intoxicating,
you have caressed my mind.

Mighty warrior, my captivating warrior...
with every breath I take, I savor
each moment with you.

© 1999 Sharon Frost

At Last

I stand atop our mountain peak
Wind blowing through my hair... the sadness
dimming against the moon's glare
Reliving those nights that the demons did dare
follow me into my dreams.

You stand there amongst the gray clouds, looming over me
Fearless with each step closer... I see the strength that you possess.

Your outstretched wings enfold me against you
Your hand touching my face with your sweet caress...
I am embraced by your loyalty and warmed by your devotion
You have a heart as big as an endless ocean.

Your gentle fingers entwined throughout my hair,
Your whispered words... telling me things I so need to hear...
Your promises of truth linger in the air.

I feel the flood of relief as my crystallized tears
are released...
Teardrops spreading against the warmth of your chest.

The past anguish is slowly dissolving and being put in its place...
I am happy... I am content... I am safe.
I can close my eyes at night and know the demons do not dare
tread within my dreams.

A hush... a smile... a kiss...
Surrendering to your charms...
With you, the devil no longer dares to hiss.

Close your eyes... relax,
Safe and secure... I curl up within your soul
And sleep a demon-free sleep
At last.....

© 1999 Sharon Frost

Battle Cry

I see him in the distance
standing high above the shore...
His long hair blowing in the summer wind...
and the lake mist kissing his lips.
So proud and brave... but always, he stands alone.

I watch as he prepares for battle with the demons...
his soul seeking solace from the Spirits.
My heart longs to go to him... to hold him one last time
before his journey begins...
but I know I mustn't.
My place is in the shadows, alone with my sadness.

How many times must I count the needs
he has fulfilled and the battles he has fought for others?
My own battle with the demons
he has aided...until my soul no longer
bled from the wounds.

Giving so much of himself
and never taking any comfort back...
Never revealing his needs, or what he so lacked.

Under the war-paint...and under that devilish grin
I see the pain beneath. It reflects in his eyes.

It's time. I see it in his descent
from our mountain.
Off, he goes.... to slay more demons.

Suddenly, he turns... as if he senses me there...
and I see his lips form words
that are carried on the wind
for only my ears to hear...
"I'll be back... I promise."
And he turns and rides away.

I sit, not knowing, but silently asking
"Who is to win this battle?"
Will it be the Demons...Or my Warrior?

My heart aching, I reach up
and wipe the tears from my eyes.
I will wait for my warrior's
safe return.

As the valley echos around me,
I hear the battle cry begin!
A gasp... a cry...and a tear forms
in the corner of my mind.

© 1999 Sharon Frost

I want to thank Nerina211,
for putting together the above graphic composite.
I appreciate your thoughtfulness very much.
Thank you!"

Good-bye,as a tear forms
in the corner of my mind.

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