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Margie's TidBits

I have made pages about my children, grandchildren, husband, family, the place I work, etc.,etc. This page is a little bit of everything of me. There will probably be no rhyme or reason to these contents. Many of you will see "yourselves" in some little tidbit or rambling. You may see something of "US" or nothing at all. You will either enjoy these memories and tidbits or think they are the delusions of a lonely soul.Enjoy.

Many memories of long ago and new memories of yesterday.


A Dog's Life


Baby Brother


Everett's Cottage

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me....

Keeper Of The Stars

Angels Among Us

Please Sign Guestbook

There are two, YES, two guestbooks on this page. There is a reason for friend, Barb, cannot get the guestbook on her server. So, I put it on twice, still didn't have it, got a new one, put that on, and yeah! we finally have one. Now the problem is, I have three....yes, 3, guestbooks on my page. Oh, how I would love to have that much company! But...since that is probably not going to happen, I deleted one of the originals but decided to keep both of the other ones. Won't you please sign one of them? I am sure one of them just must be on the page you are viewing... :) Thanks, hoped you enjoyed your visit and will stop back soon.
(You never know..we may have a page full of guestbooks by then!)

My Guestbook