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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

Having survived two midterms on Thursday, Jim's attention has turned back to the Halloween Foosball Tournament. He's also ready to comment again on the story that has been dominating the headlines the last few days.

On Wednesday, Keith responded to Steve's Oh Dis column. The former Daley school student with a 2-5 HFT record said, "Steve does not know what he is talking about. Every time someone from the Ouellette family has made it to the finals, he has won the championship. This has happened three times. Only once for the Ostis family. Out of 6 possible chances, they have only won one of them. One of them was because someone quit after making it all the way to the FINALS because he wanted to watch the World Series instead, which makes no sense to me because there's a show called SPORTSCENTER. In my opinion, 3 for 3 is far better than 1 for 6. 3 for 3 is a perfect 100% while 1 for 6 is a mere 16.667%. Hey, Steve. Keith does jack shit, huh? Let's see what happens on the 26th. Start writing your letter of apology."

Jim's response to Keith's latest comments, "Keith saying the Ouellettes are 3-0 is like Marty Jannety taking credit for the Rockers combined to win 3 WWFtitles, 4 intercontiental titles, 3 tag team titles, a European championship and winning the 95 & 96 Royal Rumbles." He also later added, "taking shots at me for my decision in '96 may be justified, but for his brother's sake, Keith doesn't want to reopen that can of worms from the time Patrick beat Greg to become the first person ever called Halloween Foosball Champion...." This story is not going anywhere...Jim is pondering a fuller response as well.

Steve was at the Bartlett today, and offered this tidbit, "Miss Almeida said 'bitch'..." Jim intends on making his first visit to 79 Wannalancit St in almost two months on Monday morning (A mere 5 days before the 7th annual Halloween Foosball Tournament).

Jimmy Tran will not be making his Halloween Foosball Tournament debut. Jimmy put on quite a show in his foosball playing exhibition at the Graduation Party back in June. Since that day, and his arrival at Boston University, rumors were that the former LHS swimmer would be joining Wilson, Steve, Jim, and at least possibly, Hakmeng at the 2002 Halloween Foosball Tournament. Unfortunately, Jimmy has a prior engagement and cannot attend, therefore the number of "Jims" to compete in the tournament remains tied with the number of "Nicks" at 2.

Make sure everyone heads over and votes in the latest rounds of the Celebrity Halloween Foosball Tournament and The Virtual Halloween Foosball Tournament. The original VHFT is especially expected to end shortly, as its a round behind the Celebrity edition.

Big News: New Tournaments to be added to schedule

Go check out the 2002 Preview section again. There is a new poll up and there's also the greatest poll ever that only four people have bothered to vote in.

Ironically, as we've mentioned Miss Almeida earlier, Greg was heard making some sexist remarks on Wednesday evening. "No female has ever made it past the first round of the Halloween Foosball Tournament...I believe that tradition will continue." Ironically enough, Lena became the first female to ever win an official Halloween Foosball match when she and Greg advanced to the second round of the Doubles Tournament. As of now, the only female competitor who has expressed an interest in entering the 2002 edition is Gina.

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