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Halloween Foosball Tournament News 'N Notes

Jim has been complaining recently that he isn't "bald enough." Last year's finalist has already announced his intention of being Tony Soprano for Halloween this year. He has the "Tony Soprano shirt" already, the only problem is that he doesn't look like him at all. If Jim were to slick his hair back, it could look like a young Tony perhaps, but the fact is he's not bald enough. Jim did offer this "I've been working on the gut, however, and in that department, I'm pretty close to Tony."

Steve says "What I'm being for Halloween is so secret, I don't even know." fact, besides Corey's decision to dress up as Tom Brady, no one else has said anything about wearing a costume.

Speaking of Tom Brady, Angel ripped it into the New England Patriots today, saying, "either way the pats still suck ass". Yeah...and when exactly was the last time the Yankees won the World Series?

There was a rumor goin aorund that Coach Rick Battistini (aka Coach Batt) would be the mystery person. Those rumors have turned out to be far as we know that is. The identity of the mystery person and his/her manager remains just that...a mystery.

Are you ready for some football? The Big Game section of the website has been updated. Newly added is a feature on several prominent potential prospects who could enter the game this year.

Also updated is The Meet The Players section. All the player pages of the people who competed in 2001 have been updated, and in many cases, include pictures from past HFT's. Also, new pages dedicated to people who have made their debuts after 1999 are in the works and will be up soon as well.

We have a new "Random" section. Its pretty much completely random and right now consists of polls regarding the motion picture industry in 2002.

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