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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

Tomorrow night, the seventh annual Halloween Foosball Tournament will take place from Lowell, Massachusetts. We have an updated Status report concerning the attendance of all the competitors.

Angel made big news Friday morning when he sent an email to Jim with a somewhat bizzarre request. "I am goin to particiapte in the foosball tournament but i am making one request...I want to be the lowest possible seeded player so i can face the champion in the first round, or at least the # 2."

Of course people will remember that Angel made a similar request back in 2000 when he wanted to face Corey (then the #2 seed) in the first round instead of facing Kenny. In order for Angel to get his wish, The Halloween Foosball Committee must agree to it, and his would be first round opponents must agree. Greg is the #1 seed and Corey is again the #2 seed. Also if the change happens, the Halloween Foosball Committee will have to decide how this will affect the bracketing. In 2000, Angel requested the switch late, so Corey ended up just switching his first round opponent (Gina) with Angel. If the HFC & and his potential opponent approve this, then likely all the seedings would be adjusted, and Keith would move up to the #6 seed...yes, Keith.

What exactly is Angel's motivation? Some have speculated that he doesn't really care about winning the Halloween Foosball Tournament, citing the fact he almost "threw the game" against the Day Care Champion Chris in 1999, those rumors have not been confirmed. Angel is one of the most successful Halloween Foosball competitors ever, his 3-4 record could very easily be .500 if he didn't face Corey in 2000, as most would assume he would have beaten Kenny. Don't forget Angel also has a 2-1 record in the doubles tournament where he & Jim went to the finals last year. Perhaps Angel isn't crazy, or isn't just trying to get himself eliminated early. #1, a victory over the defending champion or a 2-time former champion in the first round would propel him to new heights as a player. #2, maybe Angel thinks it would be easier to beat Greg or Corey in a 5 goal game instead of a 7 or 10....In that case, Angel is forsaking advancing into the second round for a chance to go deep into the tournament. In the end it is a crazy risk that no one else would ever consider, and for that we salute Angel, although he is risking his good HFT W-L record at the same time.

Speaking of Angel, it looks as if The Powers That Be will not be able to compete in the Doubles Tournament together again in 2002. Angel is expected to arrive a little bit later in the afternoon, so he will likely miss the beginning of the doubles tournament. That leaves Jim still searching for a partner, especially now that it appears Steve and Corey will team up again, which would eliminate the chance of "Team Ostis."

The biggest mystery in the Halloween Foosball world the last couple days has to be "Where is Greg?" Since making those comments the other evening about the Halloween Foosball website, Greg hasn't been seen or heard from by any of the Halloween Foosball community. Greg has never gone into hiding the days leading up to a tournament leaving some to speculate why he is doing it now. It also hurts the Halloween Foosball Committee's ability to run the tournament since Greg is not expected back in Lowell until Saturday morning, (for example, the "Gregpoll" results have yet to be released, and Jim is tempted to scratch them completely if Greg doesn't provide them before Saturday.) Is Greg reacting to the story? Is he deep in training? Is he drunk? Nobody knows but the third option certainly seems most likely.

The Halloween Foosball Soundtrack Volume 2 has been released and will be there at the 2002 HFT. It contains several new songs all of which are somehow related to the 2002 or past Halloween Foosball Tournaments. It also has a lot more Halloween-themed songs in an effort by the tournament to get back to basics. Back to the "Halloween" aspect that has been fading throughout the years.

There will be another update tonight on the evening before the 2002 HFT. What the hell?

Poll Question:

What was the best Halloween Foosball Tournament ever?
1996: The first one, Greg wins, Patrick licks ref's tounge & loses twice, Jim opts out of finals
1997: The first four rounder, Greg beats Steve in loudest finals ever
1998: Final tournament in the barn, Corey's championship debut, Nicky's magical ride, Roxbury Guys
1999: Steve beats Corey in finals, first Tenth St edition, Ptolemy's HFT debut, Goldfish incident
2000: Corey beats Steve in finals, first tournament in cellar, first tournament covered by website
2001: Greg beats Jim in long-awaited finals match, first doubles championship, The Big Game
Who will win the 2002 Halloween Foosball Tournament?
Nick L.

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