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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

Here are the news and notes for Monday October 23, 2000.

The Online home of the Halloween Foosball Tournament would like to congratulate our new World Wrestling Federation Champion, Olympic Hero, Kurt Angle on his successful title defense against the Rock and Triple H last night on TNN's Raw is War. Our Olympic Hero is still the champion.

Greg Ouellette in the Halloween Foosball headlines again.. Listen to this. Greg was engaged in an instant message conversation with none other than Patrick Casserly, his most hated rival and opponent. Apparently Patrick mistook the 1996 and 97 champion for someone else, starting a conversation. That was the second most shocking thing Greg did today as he also didn't mention Rich Gannon YAY!!!!.

Greg is expected to be on location at the site of the tournament tomorrow, taking part in many A-S baseball games. James Ostis has promised he will not go straight to sleep when he gets home as this wednesday could be a huge day in the preparation of the tournament. It also might mark Greg's last appearance at the site before the day itself, but thats certainly not certain. I have a feeling Greg could be back again before that but who knows...

Look around the site.... The 2000 Preview page has been updated...and the famous Other events section is up. I hope to get some predictions from out two guest columnists and myself up....i'd say thursday or friday. Pictures of many of the particpants...tomorrow...hopefully. The annual pre-tournament visit to the Bartlett will be on Thursday, (for those of you who didn't know it was a wasn't until i said that a few seconds ago). Hey who knows, maybe we'll get a prediction out of some celebrities... The Greg Halloween Costume Poll will be up. Hopefully everyone will vote in that. And I'll take down the Confederate Flag on Greg's column as soon as possible....

BK WATCH:....along with a couple other BMS alumni's, there was a surprising face at the Burger King frequently visited by Halloween Foosball participants....Could Bartlett School Library aide Mrs. Comali be planning a foosball tournament debut. Weirder things have....well, actually I can honestly say that would be the weirdest thing in Halloween Foosball Tournament history, I think.

Thats it for now, come back tomorrow for even more stuff...

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