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The 1996 Halloween Foosball Tournament

On October 26, 1996, in "The Barn" a tradition was born. The First Ever Halloween Foosball Tournament was as historically important and exciting as it was controversial. What started as a little thing in 1996, grew to what it has become today, an annual mega-event.

The tournament consisted of 8 competitors, they were Greg, Jim, Steve, Pat, Jon, Brice, Shane, and the not yet legendary Chuck. The first round matches were as follows:
Greg vs. Steve
Pat vs. Jon
Brice vs. Shane
Jim vs. Chuck

first round: Greg advanced by defeating Steve in the first of what would turn out to be many meetings between the two throughout the years... Patrick beat his brother to advance, then Brice beat his brother, Shane as well to move on...Jim defeated Chuck in both of their first foosball tournament appearances.

semi-finals: Greg vs. Patrick. The match may not have had the personal flair that it may have had two years later or so, but it was still a grueling contest. Greg's arrogance may ahve actually caused some to root for Patrick believe it or not, But Greg won, assuring that Pat's night was least thats what he thought. Jim beat Brice to assure him a spot in the finals too, but that also was not as it seemed.

the controversial finish: Jim opted to sit out the finals, so Patrick was appointed as Greg's opponent in the finals, despite some controversy during the game, Greg won easily. But the bigger story was Jim's decision to not play vs. Greg. He chose to watch the World Series which was bizzarre.... Jim has said repeatedly that he regrets the move. But theres definitely a possibility of a curse as Jim has not been back to the finals since

Patrick also licked the big guy with his tounge sticking out's tounge.
