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My name is Michael Andrew Gister (Andy).

I may not look like much now, but I really need your help!!

My mommy and daddy found out a little while ago that I have a real common birth defect. It's called Spina Bifida and it will cause all kinds of problems for me for the rest of my life. Spina Bifida is the number one disabler of newborn babies in The United States. It happens more frequently than muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, polio and cystic fibrosis combined! Every hour of every day, a baby is born in this country with Spina Bifida. Basically, what happened is my spinal column did not form properly back when I was only a couple of weeks old. Mommy and daddy did not even know I was here when I got hurt.


There is good news though. Even though there is no cure for me, I can live a much better and more active life. Doctors at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN can do surgery now, while I'm still in mommy's tummy! I really want these doctor's to help me because maybe then I won't have to have as many surgeries on my body and brain after I am born, and I might be able to walk like other kids instead of being in a wheelchair. I really, really want to be like other kids, but mommy and daddy's insurance won't pay for it.


Mommy and daddy need to have $35,000.00 to help me. After they help me, mommy and daddy still want more help so they can help other kids like me. If I was your baby, would you do anything to help me? I bet you would. Please help my mommy and daddy help me too. They really need you to help them to pay for this, and to help other kids after me too. Mommy and daddy's friends at The Loyal Order of the Moose are helping me by setting up a place to put all the money we raise and make sure it all adds up and helps me.


MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: "Baby Michael Andrew Gister Fund"


To help me, please send donations to:

Henderson Moose Lodge #1412

Baby Michael Andrew Gister Fund

P. O. Box 1291

Henderson, NC 27536


For Credit Card Donations:

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