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Welcome to Erehwon!  

From over the years, and there have been a good many of them, comes a record of  moments and events  that made some sense then, and  still  do in this day and time.

This page is now an opportunity to be in such moments and events yet again to sense the timeless, to touch the intangible, and perhaps, just perhaps,


To see a World in a grain of sand,

And a Heaven in a wild flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,

And Eternity in an hour.


William Blake

And, there are the incredibly adorable Rachel, Jaimie and Michael, the very epitome of love and life of their happy home.


Perchance you may find  something  interesting, even thought-provoking,  as you tarry in  Erehwon, as you amble, undisturbed, along its shady avenues, pause, sit, and breathe in the very fragrance of a timelessness,  where  cherry blossoms bloom all the year, where the sun may never set and time stands still........

In the Cherry blossom's shade

there's no such thing

as a stranger




...In Erehwon all are friends.... companions on a journey, if you prefer....

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The World We Live In

In Erehwon            


The Journey