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Classroom Quotes

(From this year)

"Hey, dude, let's go!"
-Mrs. Szklarz
"I love annoying people."
-Bryan Jacques
"Bacon cheesburger! Yuuuummmm!"
-Ms. Paige
"Who loves you, girl?"
-Mr. Severin
"You've gotta have character! Wear it on your sleeve!"
-Mr. Donahue
"If you've got a problem, it's not a problem."
-Mr. Sutton
"Vicki, Vicki, pass me the baaaaaaalllllllll!"
"Ça suffit!"
-Ms. Peltekis
"Scat! Bam! Boom!"
"Ummm...Ms. Soares, I believe it's National Don't-Take-A-Vocab-Quiz Day."
"Hey, Mr. credit, could we get some extra Sutton?."
-Brian D.
"Follow instructions, it's the key to success."
-Mr. Donahue
"Fill your paper! Leave no blank sheet!"
- No-Blank-Sheet Guy
"Russia needs help."
-Mrs. Shea
"Fish metal! C'mon, don't you get it? Bastille? Bass-steel? Fish metal? Oh, c'mon!"
-Mr. Mac
"Deux minutes."
-Mr. Wheeler
"Well, if you don't finish, then you're not done."
-Ms. Daly
-Mattelstein, when asked to name a coastal city
"J'aime mieux jouer au tennis! C'est super-cool!"
-Djeneba from the French 1 tape
"Oh, and class, don't forget to bring..." "...the family?"
-Wheels and Brian
"I'm not gonna say you're nice kids, cause you're not. Except for the other three-quarters of the time when you are."
-Ms. Daly
"Put your name at the bottom, and put your name in a box."
-Mr. Mac
"Oh là là, mon Dieu, pourquoi moi?"
-Mrs. Shea

Lunchtime Quotes

"My ass is bigger than yours!"
-Loud Girl
"Holy shit, I'm a moron!"
-Matt Cote, having a revelation
"I forgot my pants."
"I can go for sixty seconds without saying yo, yo!"
-Billy, yo

Random Quotes

"Why do you have to make it into a gay event? Shave, homo, shave!"
-Kyle, on Germanshpindle's facial hair
"I asked Dill for a ride, but he said no because he's white and stupid."
-Steve, in a racist rage
"Oh God, it's only making noise and lighting up!!!! WAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!"
-Jesse playing the multi-tiered electronic puzzle game
"I roll a clean hands check. Wow, a 19. I killed 99.9% of all the germs!"
"Strength of MANY bull!"
"He who drinks dish detergent is full of joy."

E-mail me possible candidates for the list - I wish to make it quite large.
(or spam me if you want, this address is full of spam)

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