Top Five Page!

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This is where I take the painstaking amount of time to create a top five list about whatever. Look for updates!

Top Five Stupid Things My Cats Do:

5. Eating ... everything
4. Push the door open while I'm changing
3. Trying to drink charcoal water
2. Hide in the basement but get stuck in something
1. Eat flowers, puke ... then eat some more flowers
posted by mathkid Sunday, August 10, 2003

Top Five Reasons Friends Don't Come Over:

5. Chocolate Cake
4. Noise
3. Watching "Equus"
2. Letting the Cats Up
1. Lightsaber Fights at 3 in the Morning

ah, good times...
posted by mathkid Sunday, August 10, 2003

Top Five Worst Science Fair Project Ideas:

5. Which Fuel Burns the House Down More Quickly?
4. Which Color is the Most Homosexual?
3. What's that Stuff in the Back of the Fridge?
2. The Effects of Lighting Fireworks in the House
1. Feeding Habits of Pet Rocks
posted by mathkid Saturday, March 08, 2003

Top Five Dr. Lowry Sweater Colors:

5. Brown
4. Red
3. Green
2. Purple
1. Orange!!!
posted by mathkid Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Top Five Reasons This Site Sucks:

5. It's like a SubProfile, but bigger and more awkward
4. It's on Angelfire
3. I'm not getting paid to make it
2. Did I mention plain HTML?
1. I made it
posted by mathkid Monday, March 03, 2003

Top Five Reasons Why I Like Calculus:

5. You + Me = Us
4. It will help when I become an egghead rocket scientist
3. It bestows me with authority to correct teachers
2. Easy money for helping kids
1. Now I can finally understand those horrible calculus jokes
posted by mathkid Sunday, March 02, 2003


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