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The Poems of 2pac Shakur

"I was lonely," he says in a hushed tone. He played a lot of games as a kid to escape. "I didn't have no big brothers, no big cousins until later. I remember writing songs, like real love songs. I remember writing poetry." A look of excitement crosses his face. "I remember I had a book like a diary. And in that book I said I was going to be famous." - excerpt from an interview with 2pac in Vibe's Tupac Shakur Book

.|. I cry .|. fallen star .|. the rose that grew from concrete .|. and tomorrow .|.
.|. in the event of my demise .|. in the depths of solitude .|.
.|. can you see the pride in the panther? .|. under the skies above .|.
.|. life through my eyes .|. When Ur Heart Turns Cold .|. Untitled .|. The Eternal Lament .|.
.|. Only 4 The Righteous .|. The Shining Star Within .|. Starry Night .|. If I Fail .|.
.|. What Is It That I Search 4 .|. The Fear in the Heart of a Man .|. God .|.
.|. Nothing Can Come Between Us .|. My Dearest One!! .|. If There Be Pain .|.
.|. Things That Make Hearts Break .|. Black Woman .|. And Still I Love You .|.
.|. The Mutual Heartache .|. 1st Impressions .|. A Love Unspoken .|.
.|. Forever and Today .|. When I Do Kiss You .|. Carmencita of the Bronx! .|.
.|. Untitled 2 .|. Love Is Just Complicated .|. Elizabeth.. .|. I Know My Heart Has Lied Before .|.
.|. From First Glance .|. 1 For April .|. Wife 4 Life .|. Tears from a Star .|. March 1st.. .|.
.|. Why Must U Be Unfaithful (4 Women) .|.

.|. The Power of a Smile .|. Genesis .|. Love Within a Storm .|. What Can I Offer Her? .|.
.|. Jada .|. The Tears in Cupid's Eyes .|. Cupid's Smile II .|. What I See! .|. In the Midst of Passion .|.
.|. 2 People with 1 Wish .|. Hours Pass By .|. Just A Breath of Freedom .|. For Mrs. Hawkins .|.
.|. The Sun and the Moon .|. Government Assistance or... .|. Family Tree .|. Or My Soul .|.
.|. When Ure Hero Falls .|. Untitled .|. U R Ripping Us Apart!!! .|. A River That Flows Forever.|.
.|. Tears of a Teenage Mother .|. Where There Is a Will.. .|. Liberty Needs Glasses .|.
.|. How Can We Free .|. The Promise .|. No-Win .|. The Unanswerable .|. Nightmares .|.
.|. So I Say Goodbye .|.

.|. With Just One Touch .|. My 1 And Only .|. I Only Wish I Could Have Been The One .|.
Everyday Friends .|. Sometimes I .|. Love of My Life .|. I’ll Always .|. Beginning or the End
.|. Closer to You .|. Sorry .|. Tired of Being Alone .|. The Dream .|.
.|. Do You Think of Me? .|. Good-Bye .|. I Will .|. Take The Time .|. Why

~* I Cry *~
Sometimes when I'm alone
I Cry,
Cause I am on my own.
The tears I cry are bitter and warm.
They flow with life but take no form
I Cry because my heart is torn.
I find it difficult to carry on.
If I had an ear to confide in,
I would cry among my treasured friend,
but who do you know that stops that long,
to help another carry on.
The world moves fast and it would rather pass by.
Then to stop and see what makes one cry,
so painful and sad.

And sometimes...

I Cry

and no one cares about why.

~* Fallen Star *~
(4 Huey P. Newton)

They could never understand
what u set out 2 do
instead they chose 2
ridicule u

when u got weak
they loved the sight
of your dimming
and flickering starlight

How could they understand what was so intricate
2 be loved by so many, so intimate

they wanted 2 c your lifeless corpse
this way u could not alter the course
of ignorance that they have set
2 make my people forget
what they have done for much 2 long
2 just forget and carry on

I had loved u forever because of who u r
and now I mourn our fallen star

The Rose That Grew From Concrete

Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?

Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk with out having feet.

Funny it seems, but by keeping it's dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air.

Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared.

~* And Tomorrow *~

Today is filled with anger, fueled with hidden hate.
Scared of being outkast, afraid of common fate.
Today is built on tragedies which no one wants to face.
Nightmares to humanity and morally disgraced.
Tonight is filled with rage, violence in the air.
Children bred with ruthlessness cause no one at home cares.
Tonight I lay my head down but the pressure never stops,
knawing at my sanity, content when I'm dropped.
But tomorrow I see a change, a chance to build anew,
built on Spirit, intent of heart, and ideas based on truth.
Tomorrow I wake with second wind and strong ideas of pride.
I know I fought with all my heart to keep the dream alive.

In The Event Of My Demise

In the event of my Demise

when my heart can beat no more

I Hope I Die For A Principle

or A Belief that I had Lived 4

I will die Before My Time

Because I feel the shadow's Depth

so much I wanted 2 accomplish

before I reached my Death

I have come 2 grips with the possibility

and wiped the last tear from My eyes

I Loved All who were Positive

In the event of my Demise

~ In The Depths Of Solitude~

I exist in the depths of solitude
pondering my true goal
Trying 2 find peace of mind
and still preseerve my soul
CONSTANTLY yearning to be accepted
and from all receive respect
Never compromising but sometimes risky
and that is my only regret
A young heart with an old soul
how can I be in the depths of solitude
when there R 2 inside of me
This Duo within me causes
the perfect opportunity
2 learn and live twice as fast
as those who accept simplicity

Can You See The Pride In The Panther?

Can u c the pride in the pantha
as he glows in splendor and grace
Topping OBSTACLES placed in the way
of the progression of his race

Can u c the pride in the Pantha
as she nurtures her young all alone
The seed must grow regardless
of the fact that it?s planted in stone

Can't u c the pride in the panthas
as they unify as one
The flower blooms with brilliance
and outshines the rays of the sun

Under The Skies Above
(After the miscarriage)

My child is out there somewhere
under the skies above
waiting anxiously 4 u and me
2 bless it with our love
A part of me a part of u
and a part of this love we share
will protect my unborn child
who lives dormant out there somewhere
Sometimes in my dreams
I imagine what it would be like
How could I properly guide him
when even I don't know what's right
Whether he is born in wealth or poverty
there will be no dificiency in love
I welcome this gift of life
given from GOD under the skies above

Life Through My Eyes

Life through my bloodshot eyes
would scare a square 2 death
poverty, murder, violence
and never a moment 2 rest
Fun and games R few
but treasured like gold 2 me
cuz I realize that I must return
2 my spot in poverty
But mock my words when I say
my heart will not exist
unless my destiny comes through
and put an end 2 all of this

When Ur Heart Turns Cold
(2 Kristen & My Other Friends Who Wonder)

When your heart turns cold
it causes your soul 2 freeze
It spreads throughout your spirit
like a ruthless feeling disease
The walls that once were down
now stand firm and tall
Safe from hate/love, pain/joy
until u feel nothing at all
When ure heart turns cold
a baby's cry means nothing
A dead corpse is trivial
Mothers neglecting children is daily
Loneliness becomes your routine friend
Death seems like tranquility
Sleeping is never pleasant
if u even sleep at all
u forgot ideals and turn off the reason
2 make sure the product gets sold
You don't understand how I behave
Just wait till your heart turns Cold!


Please wake me when I'm free
I cannot bear captivity
where my culture I'm told holds no significance
I'll wither and die in ignorance
But my inner eye can c a race
who reigned as kings in another place
the green of trees were rich and full
and every man spoke of beautiful
men and women together as equals
War was gone because all was peaceful
But now like a nightmare I wake 2 c
That I live like a prisoner of poverty
Please wake me when I'm free
I cannot bear captivity
4 I would rather be sticken blind
than 2 live without expression of mind

The Eternal Lament

From my mind 2 the depths of my soul
I yearn 2 achieve all of my goals
And all of my free time will be spent
On the 1's I miss I will lament

I am not a perfectionist
But still I seek perfection
I am not a great romantic
But yet I yearn 4 affection

Eternally my mind will produce
ways 2 put my talents 2 use
and when I'm done no matter where I've been
I'll yearn 2 do it all again.

~Only 4 The Righteous~

I'm Down with strictly dope "So"
That means I'm more than u can handle
"Hot" Im hotter than the wax from a candle
"Him" that's Roc he's my microphone companion
"Lyrics" full of knowledge truth and understanding
"Hobbies" rapping is my only recreation
"retire" u must be on some kind of medication
"why" beccause I'll never loosen up my mic grip
"Drugs" never cuz I'm living on the right tip
"sex" only with my girl because I love her
"Babies" impossible I always use a rubber
"Bored" rarely cuz I'm keeping myself busy
"Scratch" nah I leave the cutting up 2 Dize
"Dize?" yeh that's my D.J. he's the greatest
"Word" nah he's paying me 2 say this
"the mind" is something that I cultivate
and treasure
"Thanks" you're welcome and besides it was my pleasure

~*The Shining Star Within*~
(dedicated to Marilyn Monroe)

Secrets R hidden within the clouds
of Darkness,
And in this place no on Dares 2 Breathe
in Fear of self-expression
It has been this way
forever and a day
until she came 2 shine
with a spark of innocence and questions
only 2 be answered with Darkness
not just Darkness but hte silent kind
that steals your soul and kills your mind
There was no compassion
for this thriving star
only exploitations
and confused jealousy
u saw no hope and brought the end
Never acknowledging the star within

~*Starry Night*~
(dedicated in memory of Vincent Van Gogh)

a creative heart, obsessed with satisfying
This dormant and uncaring society
u have given them the stars at night
and u have given them Bountiful Bouquets of Sunflowers
But 4 u there is only contempt
and though u pour yourself into that frame
and present it so proudly
this world could not accept your masterpieces
from the heart

So on that starry night
u gave 2 us and
u took away from us
The one thing we never acknowledged
your life

~*If I Fail*~

If in my quest 2 achieve my goals
I stumble or crumble and lose my soul
Those that knew me would easily co-sign
There was never life as hard as mine
No father-no money-no chance and no guide
I only follow my voice inside
if it guides me wrong and I do not win
I'll learn from mistakes and try 2 achieve again.

~What Is It That I Search For~

I know not what I search 4
But I know I have yet 3 find it,
Because it is invisible 2 the eye
My heart must search 4 it blinded.

And if by chance I find it,
Will I know my mission is achieved?
Can one come 2 conclusions,
Before the question is conceived?

Just as no one knows
what lies beyond the shore,
I will never find the answer 2
what it is that I search 4.

The Fear in the Heart of a Man
(Dedicated 2 My Heart)

against an attacker I will boldly take my stand
because my heart will show fear 4 no man
but 4 a broken heart I run with fright
scared 2 be blind in a vulnerable night
I believe this fear is in every man
some will acknowledge it others will fail 2 understand
there is no fear in a shallow heart
but feeling hearts that truly care
are fragile 2 the flow of air
and if I am 2 be true then I must give
my fragile heart
I may receive great joy or u may return it
ripped apart

G o d

When I was alone and had nothing
I asked 4 a friend 2 help me bear the
pain no on e came except...GOD

when I needed a breath 2 rise
from my sleep no one could
help me except....GOD

when all I saw was sadness
and I needed answers no one
heard me except ....GOD

so when I am asked who I
give my unconditional love 2
look for no other name

Nothing Can Come Between Us
(4 John)

let's not talk of money
let us forget the world
4 a moment let's just revel
in our eternal comradery
in my Heart I know
there will never be a day
that I don't remember
the times we shared
u were a friend
when I was at my lowest
and being a friend 2 me
was not easy or fashionable
regardless of how popular
I become u remain
my unconditional friend
unconditional in its truest sense
did u think I would forget
did u 4 one moment dream
that I would ignore u
if so remember this from here 2 forever
nothing can come between us

~*My Dearest One*~

There R no words 2 express
how much I truely care
so many times I fantisize of
feelings we can share
My heart has never known
the Joy u bring 2 me
As if GOD knew what I wanted
and made u a reality
I'd die 2 hold u or 2 kiss u
or merely to see your face
my stomach quivers my body shivers
and my heart increases pace
2 give me $ or lots of gold
would not be the same 2 me
I prayed and watched the distant stars
and finally u came 2 me!

If There Be Pain

If there be pain,
all u need 2 do
is call on me 2 be with you
And before u hang up the phone
u will no longer be alone
Together we can never fall
because our love will conquer all

If there be pain,
reach out 4 a helping hand
and I shall hold u wherever I am
Every breath I breathe will be into u
4 without u here my joy is through
my life was lived through falling rain
so call on me if there be pain

~Things That Make Hearts Break~

pretty smiles
deceiving laughs
and people who dream with their eyes open
lonely children
unanswered cries
and souls who have given up hoping
The other thing that breaks hearts
R fairy tales that never come true
and selfish people who lie 2 me
selfish people just like u

Black Woman
(4 Marquita)

The day I met u I saw strength
and I knew from that point on
that u were pure woman 2 me
possessing a spirit that was strong

I want smiles 2 replace the sorrow
that u have encountered in the past
and since it was strength that attracted me 2 u
it will take strength 2 make it last

My negative side will attempt 2 change u
but please fight that with your all
it will be your strength that keep us both standing
while others around us fall

And Still I Love You

I don't have everything
as a matter of fact I don't have anything
except dream of a better day
and you 2 help me find my way
Being a man I am sure 2 make mistakes
but 2 keep u I would do all it takes
and if it meant my love was really true
I'd gladly die and watch over u
I wish u knew how much I cared
u'd see my love is true by the life we'd share
Even if u changed your mind and said our love was thru
I'd want 2 die continuously cry and still I'd love u

The Mutual Heartache

Introduced with innocence
who would have ever guessed
that u were the one I had
been so desperately searching 4
u talk as I do but yet u don't
understand when I mumble
u c as I do but your vision is
blurred by naivete
This is the barrier that separates us
I cannot cross yet
There is 2 much of me that
would frighten u so I live in
heartache because we cannot
fully explore this love and
what of your heartache
Does it feel as sharp as mine
No matter where I go or how long it takes
I will never recover from this mutual heartache.

1st Impressions
(4 Irene)

Just when I thought I'd seen it all
our paths crossed and met
and I Knew from the First glance
that u would be hard 2 4get
your eyes attracted me First
but you reeked of sultry confidence
I couldn't wait 2 touch lips
and kiss with my Heart's intentions
when we did it was what I expected
and 4 that moment we erased the tension
of the awkwardness of First Date Jitters
and the initial Blind Date First impressions
we kissed again and I felt the passion
and this was CUPID's blessing

A Love Unspoken

What of a love unspoken? Is it weaker without a name?
Does this love deserve 2 exist without a title
because I dare not share its name
Does that make me cruel and cold
2 deny the world of my salvation
because I chose 2 let it grow
People tend 2 choke
that which they do not understand
Why shouldn't I be weary
and withhold this love from MAN
What of a love unspoken
no one ever knows
But this is a love that lasts
and in secrecy it grows

Forever and Today

U say that u'll love me forever but what about today
As the dusks become dawns and the years pass on will u
love me the same way
if so let us rejoice and bathe in constant pleasure
if not spare my heart today and I shall recover before
And if my doubts and ?'s upset u, forgive my fragile heart
I just wanted 2 know if you'd love me forever
before today would start!

When I Do Kiss You

I haven't yet for reasons of your own
but soon I'm sure you'll tire from being alone
u haven't recovered from the pain of the past
So u show me affection behind the wall of glass
But when I do finally kiss u
u will realize at last my heart was true

Carmencita of the Bronx!
(dedicated 2 Carmen)

u saw innocence at its best
I wanted u more than I wanted me
I remember my last thought at night was of u
and my first thought in the morning was of u
It has been a long time since I've actually
sat and adored u but every once in awhile
your beautiful smile guides me through a day
I hear u R with another and u R expecting
I wish u good luck he is lucky 2 be able
2 wake up 2 u each morning
c u in heaven!


Every word
cuts 2 the heart
conversations R ended
be4 they start
is this what u want?
Is this what
must be?

This is not a game
This is a love
one should be played
The other cherised
I feel 2 hearts breaking?

is this what u want?
is this what I want?
is this what must be?

Love Is Just Complicated

Love Is Just Complicated
you ask me 2 communicate
what it is I feel within
I search 4 words 2 assist
but I find none 2 help me begin
I guess love is just complicated

I thought I knew my heart's desire
I thought I quenched my burning fire
I thought I wanted "A"
But "A" was 2 mixed up with "B"
Then "C" made me more confused
So "A" turned off me and "B" feels
better. "C" is upset and lonely
and me, I think Love is complicated.

Elizabeth - A Different Love
(From B.S.A)

I remember when u were LOST
and your soul was in the wind
It was at this awkward moment
that u and I become friends
But then your soul was found
and u discovered celibacy
But with this u forgot about me
and our bond was a memory
And now I c u felt it
that bond we made before
I pray 2 God it stands
and severs never more

I Know My Heart Has Lied Before

I know my heat has lied before
but now it speaks with honesty
of an invisible bond of friendship
that as formed in secrecy
Coming from me this may seem hard
but 2 GOD I swear it's the truth
We R friends for eternity
and Forever I will always love u

With All My Heart

From First Glance
(4 Michelle From Zap's, Feb 1, 1990)

From first glance I know exactly what would Be
u and I have perfect hearts destined one day 2 Be
The circumstances don't even matter because my heart
never lies
And if u don't admit 2 this it is u who will be surprised

1 For April

2 me your name alone is poetry
I barely know u and already
I can't explain this feeling I feel
I want 2 c u form the moment
u leave my side till the moment u return
My nonchalant cold heart finally has eyes only
So now I risk it all
Just 4 the feeling of joy u bring me
I accept the ridicule
in exchange for the words u share with me
All of this & much more I will do

Wife 4 Life
(dedicated 2 April)

I hope u heard me when I asked
u that night 2 be my wife
Not for this year or next
But min for all of your life
2 accept me when I sin
and understand me when I fail
Not 2 mention standing the rain
which comes down as hard as hail
I am not the best of men
My faults could scare the night
But my heart is always pure 2 my wife 4 life

Tears from a Star
(4 Me & April)

my tears they fall with passion
Like tears conceived from stars
Full of brightness & energy
Seen only from afar
Tonight these tears are

full of pain but also I can feel
relief from my heart
Because the stigma is revealed
unfaithful and unforgiven
I cannot bear 2 let this be
So I must be pure
2 only her for eternity

March 1st - The Day After April
(dedicated 2 the Divorce of Me & April)

Today I wake and feel even lonelier
But I c positive potential
My heart shook much like the quake
Then the pain was gone
The arctic breeze formed the fortress
Barricading my fragile heart from Pain

It is not that I don't love u
and it was because I did love u
that I must move on
as long as I breathe
I will remember
"WE AS 2"

Why Must U Be Unfaithful
(4 Women)

u shouldn't listen 2 your selfish heart
It doesn?t really have a brain
Besides keeping u alive
its existence is in vain
"How could I be so mean,
and say your heart has no place?"
Because mortal men fall in love again
as fast as they change their face
I may be cruel, but think awhile about
The hearts that u have broken
Match that with the empty vows
I am not saying females R perfect
Because men we know it?s not true
But why must u be unfaithful
If her heart is true 2 u!!!!

~* The Power of a Smile*~

The power of a gun can kill
and the power of Fire can Burn
The power of wind can chill
and the power of the mind can learn
The power of anger can rage
inside until it tears u apart
But the Power of a Smile
especially yours can heal a frozen Heart

~* Genesis*~
(The Rebirth of My Heart)
(dedicated 2 Renee Ross)

First there was nothing
Not even the faint echo of a song
Loneliness was daily 4 me
until u came along
There was a gleam of stars in your eyes
I thought I'd never feel this way again
But u were the one 2 reach into my heart
And find in me a Friend
I could not ignore the magnetism
that I felt when u were near
And any problems plaguing my mind
would suddenly disappear
It was the rebirth of my heart
The day u became my friend
Because I knew from the moment
I held u that I would find love again

Love Within a Storm

We mad love within a storm
in the midst of passion and chaos
somewhere, somehow our true bond
of friendship was lost

In the eye of the storm
The rain always falls harder
Those who prevail this trauma
will learn 2 bring their love farther

But now the storm has passed
and the seas of our friendship R calm
But as long as I live I will remember
the love within the storm

~* What Can I Offer Her? *~

All of my life I dreamed of meeting one
with immense beauty, and once I found her
I would charm her and she?d be mine

I have found her and indeed she is all
I wished for and more but she is
not charmed nor intrigued. Then I
think 2 myself "What can I offer her?"
The tears warm my eyes and blur my
vision. I stick 2 my stance of bravado
and give her the same uninterested look
she gave me. She was so beautiful
But what can I offer her.

(4 Jada)

u R the omega of my heart
The foundation 4 my conception of Love
when I think of what a Black woman should be
it's u that I First think of

u will never fully understand
how Deeply my Heart Feels 4 u
I worry that we'll grow apart
and I'll end up losing u

u bring me 2 climax without sex
and u do it all with regal grace
u R my Heart in Human Form
a Friend I could never replace

~ The Tears In Cupid's Eyes~
(4 Jada)

The day u chose 2 leave me
u rained constantly outside
In truth I swore the rain 2 be
The tears in Cupid?s eyes

Cupid's Smile II

I ran outside 2 feel the rain
and I stayed outside awhile
when the rain was done along came the sun
and this was Cupid's Smile!

What I See!

With my eyes closed I can c
we have a chance 2 discover ecstasy
but the clouds of doubt have made u blind
so u R afraid of the emotions that u may find
I know that u've been hurt before
but this is no excuse 4 u 2 ignore
the seed that cupid planted, in hopes that we could sow
This infant emotion deserves 2 breathe so why won?t u
let it grow
A neglected flower will wither and on it's own it will
surely die
But with honesty, passion, and mutual respect we can
soar beyond the sky
So please don't follow what u c follow the rhythm within
your heart
Believe in my though u cannot c what lies within the

In the Midst of Passion

In the midst of passion 2 figures stand
emerged in ecstasy joined hand and hand
words R unnecessary feelings R heard
the body takes control deaf 2 words
It is at this stage that I think of u
in gratitude 4 this joy u have exposed me 2
Each Day is Bright with you as the Dawn
with the collapse of each night a strong bond is born
In the midst of passion I remember your kiss
I reminisce about your touch and suddenly miss
the scent u wear and the tone of your voice
Only u can be my choice
In the midst of passion

I c u & me
Lost in constant ecstasy!!

2 People with 1 Wish

There were 2 people with one wish
2 live a Life filled with Love
2 GOD they would pray that 2gether they'd stay
under the stars above
But someone else made a wish
at the same time on the same breath
And although the wish 4 love was granted
so was this evil wish 4 Death
now I make a wish
sealed with tears and laughter
It is my wish that these 2 loves
R reunited in the hereafter

Hours Pass By

I think of u in my arms
and what it would be like 2 make love
I think of u raising my SEED
and what they'd be made of
I think of how alone I was
before u came 2 be
I think of the joy I felt
when u said u thought of me
I?m proud 2 be the heart u
choose 2 make a friend
hours pass by and cupid cries
until we meet again

Just a Breath of Freedom
(4 Nelson Mandela)

held captive 4 your politics
They wanted 2 break your soul
They ordered the extermination
of all minds they couldn't control
4 u the fate was far worse
than just a brutal homicide
They caged u like an animal
and watched u slowly die inside
As u Breathe your first air of freedom
on the day u become a free man
Raise your Regal Brow in Pride
4 now you R in God's Hands
The life of many were given
so that the day would one day come
That the devils in Power at Pretoria
would pay for the evil crimes they've done

~For Mrs. Hawkins~
(In memory of Yusef Hawk)

This poem is addressed 2 Mrs. Hawkins
who lost her son 2 racist society
I?m not out 2 offend the positive souls
only the racist dogs who lied 2 me
An American culture plagued with nights
like the night Yusef was killed
if it were reversed it would be the work
of a savage but this white killer was just strong-willed
with the blood of Malcom in my veins
America will never rest
if Yusef dies in vain!

~*The Sun and the Moon *~

Your ways R similar 2 the rays of the sun
Warm 2 many but 2 strong 4 some
The more u R needed the brighter u shine
Watched 4 2 long and your brilliance will blind
The eyes of mortal men who threaten u with doom
They regret 2 c u set but it is time 4 the moon

~Government Assistance or My Soul~

It would be like a panther
asking a panther hunter
4 some meat, all
High school dropouts R not DUMB
All unemployed aren't lazy
and there R many days I hunger
But I would go hungry and homeless
Before the American Government gets my soul

~Family Tree~
(4 Mother)

Because we all spring
from different trees
we are not created equally

Is the true beauty in the tree
or in the vast forest in which it breathes
the tree must fight 2 breed
among the evils of the weeds

I find greatness in the tress
that grows against all odds
it blossoms in darkness
and gives birth 2 promising pods.

I was the tree who grew from weeds
and wasn't meant 2 be
ashamed I'm not in fact I am proud
of my thriving family tree

Or My Soul
(dedicated 2 Moms)
(dedicated 2 the Powers that B)

The choice is no stranger 2 poverty
your soul or Government Assistance
I'm 18 in a country with no path
4 a young unaddicted Black youth with a Dream
Instead I am giving the Ultimatum.

~When Ure Hero Falls~
(4 My Hero My Mother)

when your hero falls from grace
all fairy tales R uncovered
myths exposed and pain magnified
the greatest pain discovered
u taught me 2 be strong
but I'm confused 2 c u so weak
u said never 2 give up
and it hurts 2 c u welcome defeat
when ure Hero falls so do the stars
and so does the perception of tomorrow
without my Hero there is only
me alone 2 deal with my sorrow.
your Heart ceases 2 work
and your soul is not happy at all
what R u expected 2 do
when ure only Hero falls


strength is overcome by weakness
Joy is overcome by Pain
The night is overcome by Brightness
and Love-it remains the same

~*U R Ripping Us Apart!!!*~
(dedicated to crack)

Before u came the triangle never broke
we were bonded and melded as one
But as the 2 pushed u away
The one got weak and embraced u
and now u R ripping us apart

The worst feeling of helplessness
The greatest pain has rested in my heart
The vision of heaven fades

My Hero has been defeated by you
and now what can I do
watch as u destroy us
and our love is finally through

I know the worst is here
I feel it in my Heart
u got into the circle
now you're tearing us apart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-A River That Flows Forever-
(4 Mother)

As long as some suffer
The River Flows Forever
As long as there is pain
The River Flows Forever
As strong as a smile can be
The River Flows Forever
And as long as u R with me
we'll ride the River Together

-Tears of a Teenage Mother-

He's bragging about his new Jordans
the Baby just ran out of milk
He's buying gold every 2 weeks
the Baby just ran out of Pampers
He's buying clothes for his new girl
& the Baby just ran out of medicine
u ask for money for the Baby
the daddy just ran out the Door

-Where There Is a Will....-

Where there is a will
there is a way
2 search and discover
a better day

Where a positive heart
is all u need
2 Rise Beyond
and succeed

where young minds grow
and respect each other
based on their Deeds
and not their color

When times R dim
say as I say
"where there is a will
There is a way!"

-Liberty Needs Glasses-

excuse me but Lady Liberty needs glasses
And so does Mrs. Justice by here side
Both the broads R blind as bats
Stumbling thru the system
Justice bumped into Mutulu and
Trippin' on Geronimo Pratt
But stepped right over Oliver
And his crooked partner Ronnie
Justice stubbed her Big Toe on Mandela
And liberty was misquoted by the Indians
slavery was a learning phase
Forgotten without a verdict
while Justice is on a rampage
4 endangered surviving Black males
I mean really if anyone really valued life
and cared about the masses
They'd take 'em both 2 Pen Optical
and get 2 pairs of glasses

~How Can We Free~

Sometimes I wonder about this race
Because we must be blind as hell
2 think we live in equality
while Nelson Mandela rots in a jail cell
Where the shored of Howard Beach
are full of Afrikan corpses
And those that do live 2 be 18
Bumrush 2 join the Armed Forces
This so called "Home of the Brave"
why isn't anybody Backing us up!
When they c these crooked ass Redneck cops
constantly Jacking us up
Now I bet some punk will say I'm racist
I can tell by the way you smile at me
then I remember George Jackson, Huey Newton
and Geronimo 2 hell with Lady Liberty

~The Promise~

"I will give u liberty, but first give me ure spirit,
This I must confiscate because the evil fear it."
I too would be afraid of passion governed by reason
An open mind 2 trying times when corruption is in
The promise that they claim
2 be completely true
is hypocrisy at its finest
A trick 2 silence u
never will I believe a promise
from the masters of the Art
Trickery does not succeed
with those with Honest Hearts

(dream poem)

Backed into a corner
alone and very confused
Tired of running away
My manhood has been abused
Not my choice 2 be so blunt
But u must fight fire with flame
I allowed myself 2 run once
and was haunted by the shame
if I must kill I will and if I must do it again
I would but the situation is a no-win

The Unanswerable?



(dedicated 2 Those Curious)

I pour my heart in2 this poem
and look 4 the meaning of Life
the rich and powerful always prevail
and the less fortunate strive through stife
we R 2 young 2 stress and suffer
The path of purity and positivity
has always ridden rougher
Your insatiable desire 2 find perfection
Has made your faults magnify
curiousity can take Blame
For the evil that makes u cry
It isn't a good feeling when u disobey your Heart
The nightmares haunt your Soul and your nerves R
ripped apart

(Nov. 20)

I'm going in2 this not knowing what I'll find
but I've decided 2 follow my heart and abandon my mind
and if there be pain I know that at least I gave my all
and it is better 2 have loved and lost than 2 not love at all
In the morning I may wake 2 smile or maybe 2 cry
but first 2 those of my past I must say goodbye

R.I.P. Tupac Amaru Shakur

- all poems from Tupac Shakur's book, The Rose That Grew from Concrete
Copyright 1999 by The Estate of Tupac Shakur

~* With Just One Touch *~

With just one touch,
You make me realize so much.
How I have never loved someone so much, before,
And how I could love you, so much more
Than I thought I could,
Than I thought I would.
But, I want you to understand,
I will always be there to lend a helping hand.
I will always believe in you,
And would never think of being untrue.
I want my love to be the blanket against the bitter cold,
And for our love to never get old.
Every moment we share,
I will try to show you how much I care.
If I ever fail to express...
It doesn't mean I love you any less.
Just look into my eyes,
And you will see no lies.
You will see how much you mean to me;
You will see that you will always be,
The person who makes my heart sing.
You are, simply... my EVERYTHING !

~* My 1 And Only *~

You'll always be my one and only,
the one I'll never forget.
The times we share are always special,
memories, I won't ever regret.
I care for you deeply
and give to you my heart.
I always knew you could be the one for me,
I fell in love with you, right from the start.
All I want to do is hold you close
and never let you go.
Tell me you'll stay here with me,
please, don't tell me, 'No'.
Your love comforts me at night,
it never leaves me lonely.
You're all I'll ever need in life,
you are truly my one and only.

~* I Only Wish I Could Have Been The 1 *~

Heard you found someone to take care of you
Heard you found someone to take away your blues
Heard he chased away the rain and brought you the sun
I only wish I could have been the one
Heard you found someone to make you smile again
Heard he brought you a rainbow when he chased away your pain
Heard he is making you feel again with the things he's done
I only wish I could have been the one
Heard you found someone to mend your broken heart
Heard he is putting together the pieces of your world fallen apart
Heard he is bringing joy to your heart which had become undone
I only wish I could have been the one
Heard you found someone to light the flame in your soul
Heard he lit a flame from embers which had become cold
Heard he is helping you see the beauty in a morning sun
I only wish I could have been the one

~* Everyday Friends *~

A friend is one who'll always try
to lift your spirits high,
A friend will know the tears are there
Before they reach your eye.
A friend will be there by your side
when you're down and out,
A friend will understand your moods
And know what you're about.
Though I may never see you,
again and our paths may never cross,
I know that what we have
shall never ever be lost.
So once again I say to you
in all the words I write:
You're in my thoughts and prayers
every day and every night!

~* Sometimes I *~

Some times at night, when I lay down to sleep, I embrace myself, I start to think...
Then I imagine that you lie beside me... hugs and kisses all over my body.
I wish you could really be here, just to whisper, "I love you," in my ear.
I would turn around and say,"I love you, too. "But will it ever be true?
So I turn around and I wonder some more, still wanting your embrace,
so I close my eyes and picture your face... I fall asleep dreaming of you.
In my dream it seems so true. It's as if I can really feel your kisses against my lips...
Then my eyes pop open and you're nowhere to be seen, And I feel so lonely once AGAIN!!!

~* Love of My Life *~

I could tell you I loved you. I could tell you you're my life.
But I won't- because I don't think that would be enough.
Not only do I want to tell you how much I love you, I want to show you.
You are the reason I live, the reason my heart keeps beating. Without you, my life would be over.
I never knew I could love someone as much as I love and need you. Please know...
I'll never be able to love anyone as much as I love you. You're the only one for me.
And that's the way it will always be. Without you- my heart would be empty and incomplete.
Every memory I have of you I treasure.Every thought of you is wonderful.
Thank you for the love you have given me. Thank you for the lesson of my life I will never forget.
Thank you- Love Of My Life.

~* I'll Always *~

My heart is broken, you wonder why,you see the tears,you made me cry.
Being with you was the best part of my life,and the hardest thing was
realizing,you really meant good-bye.The way you held me,the way we kissed,
Now I know each of these moments I'll have to miss.My love for you is over,
that I once knew,I never knew it'd be this hard trying to get over you.
Getting over you is gonna be hard to do,but I want you to know this much is true...
I'll always be in love with you

~* Beginning or the End *~

If I told you I was leaving-Never to return
Would you cry and say you love me?
Would your heart return to me?
Or would you simply shrug And look me in the eye,
Never flinch or shed a tear
And easily say good-bye?
Because I feel I'm already gone-
No effect left on your life-
Just like bein' cut, But no wound left from the knife.
At night sometimes I yearn for you,
But seldom do I look for you,
'Cause when I do you seem as if You don't miss me at all.
I often lay awake and cry,
For the song's that we once shared
bring tears to my eye's.
The times you held me close to you
And told me that you cared.
They seem so far away now.
You seem to have forgotten All our smiles and happiness.
Do friends not matter in the world?
Have I no meaning to you?
Does it not matter how much I love you
Or how much that we've gone through?
Well, I thought about you today,
And decided to write it down
Even though these words to you
Upon your ears may sound profound.
I'll always have that place Deep inside my soul
And though you set me free
I'll never let you go.
If I can't have you as a lover.
I want you as a friend.
So, today I want to know Is this a beginning or the end

~* Closer to You *~

Do I miss You?
I only hope you know how I cry each night just needing to hold you so.
My life is incomplete now that you're not here with me.
Oh to touch you, feel your hug, my tears would dry, my sadness flee.
Together we're as one, apart- I'm just a shell.
My days are long and lonely my nights, they're just pure hell.
I am reminded of how you love me and that soon together we'll be
but time passes so slowly how I need you here with me.
I love you so much and to your love I'll forever remain true.
I remember that for every day we are apart is one day closer to you!

~* Sorry *~

I made a promise to you and swore to keep it forever, but I found myself breaking it when we weren't together. I don't know what made me do it, I'm sorry I can't explain and you have every right to point your finger at me because I'm the one to blame. You never hurt me the way I chose to hurt you. I wish I could take that meaningless kiss back, but I can't and it still remains true. So I write this little message just to say I'm sorry, and I pray day-in, day-out that one day you'll forgive me completely. If you don't however, I will understand and I will continue to appologize for the wrong I took to doing in my own hands. There is no way to tell you exactly how I feeland no matter how many words I say, what I did will still be for real.

~* Tired of Being Alone *~

i hate this feelin', this feelin' inside
it's as if the rose inside me has died
i try to be happy, think it's okay
but when will this feeling go away?
sometimes it goes away and then it comes back
i don't understand what is it i lack
i don't understand the person inside
if i told you i was happy, i lied
a hug, a kiss, a hand to hold
i thought you loved me, or so i was told
but what is love to you and me?
i don't understand it, please help me see i'm confused by the kind of love you've shown
but one thing i know for sure,
i'm tired of being alone

~* The Dream *~

I had a dream last night I dreamt you were mine
I dreamt I was happy but it passed with time<
I dreamt we had each other and nothing else mattered
But as the sky began to brighten the dream I dreamt was shattered
And as the day went on I longed to be asleep
For in my dreams you needed me and my wounds were not so deep
I long for the crescent moon and fear the sun's light
For the day is full of empty promises that are only fulfilled at night
So, if my mind seems somewhere else and my eyes drift into space
Please do not disturb me......I'm longing for the dream I chase
And if my heart seems weary and I'm lost in a different place
I'm only searching for the night and the warmth of your embrace.

~* Do You Think of Me? *~

Do you think of me when it is late,
wondering... is this fate?
Do you think of me at night
when you shut out the light?
Do you think of me as you awake,
does your heart break?
Do you think of me when you walk
or even when you talk?
Do you think of me when you are alone
or when you hear the phone?
Do you think of me sitting in your
car wishing upon a star?
Do you think of me looking at the moon
or listening to that special tune?
Do you think of me when you cry
or do you just sigh?
Do you think of me when you are blue
hoping this love will come true?
Do you think of me to...
The way I do of you

~* Good-Bye *~

Does love really last Always and forever?
You said it does But, we're not together...
Did I say something wrong, What did I do?
You told me I was perfect But, I'm not with you...
I have someone else, now Who treats me real good.
So, it's in with the new And out with the old.
So, I'm saying 'good-bye 'Now and forever.
But, one last time I wish we were together...
I'm letting you go Maybe I'll see you around.
But, as for now she's picking me up off the ground...
She makes me so happy Just being by my side.
And now the only tears... Fall on the inside...

~* I Will *~

I took your love for granted
could not see through my blind eye's
I did not know how much I loved you
Now in pain, I realise
You've found someone, I know you love
But the flame you left burns on
I really got to let you go
I must accept...your gone
I wish I could rewind time
To how it was before
But however much he loves you now,
I will always love you more.

~* Take The Time *~

Take some time to know me, girl,
Before you look away.
I've got some feelings for you, girl,
I don't have every day.
I think I see some things in you,
I've never seen before.
And when I look into your eyes,
I know there's so much more.
So, take some time to know me, girl,
And while you're knowing me.
I'll take the time to show you, girl,
How good things can be.
And if you think you see in me,
All the things I see in you.
And if you think that being with me,
Is something you could do.
Take some time to know me, girl,
Before you look away.
I promise that i will prove to you
That i'm not like the rest...Ben

~* Why *~

Sometimes I stop and wonder what I saw in you

Was it in your gentle smile?
or simplicity in the things you do
You always were so calm and kind
so rare it, seems today

You didn't mind being different
or the opinions of what others had to say

I found myself attracted to you
the moment that we met

The way you made me smile
I never will forget

My friends thought I was crazy
but it was love at first sight

and my heart lead me to believe
you were the right one

All of my illusions
I made up in my mind

Were so far from truth
but I couldn't see it at the time

It wasn't easy being so close
yet, so very far away

Not knowing how you felt
kept me in bondage every day

I kept you in my prayers, constantly,
In hopes that you would see

Just how much I cared for you
and maybe one day, you could care for me

One day my prayers were answered
you said, you would like to try

You thought we be good together
I should have known it was a lie

I guess I was just another toy,
a game you liked to play

I wish I had known sooner
you never planned to stay

All the empty promises
you lead me to believe

How could I be so foolish
and so easily deceived

I wish I would have known
you needed to be free

But you're the one who stole my heart
and now you hold the key

My dreams became a nightmare
the way it had to end
You left without discussing it
I found out from your friend

How could you live with yourself?
knowing what you did

You didn't act like a woman
you acted like a kid

Running from the truth
was the easy thing to do

I wish you had the courage to be honest
to gently tell me... we were through

I guess I've come to realize
that love is a fairy tale

No matter how I've tried
I always seem to fail
Why do some win at love?
and others always lose

Is it just that I'm unlucky
of the woman I seem to choose

I think this time
I'll stay by myself

and take my broken heart
and put it on a shelf

Now no one can break it
or try to steal the key

Of the broken pieces
of a heart... that once was free

Now Playing: Jaheim & Next - Anything
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