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Matthew with his proud parents
1 day old

On August 24, 1996 we were blessed with our first son Matthew Doran Williams Jr. He came into the world at 11:53 pm weighing 7 lbs 6 oz. you couldn't find prouder parents. Matthew has made our lives so much richer.

Matthew relaxing
a couple of months old

When Matthew was a baby he had colic and I thought we would never live to see a year old. Now here he is almost 3. Man does time fly. He was never one to sleep because he was afraid he would miss out on something. He is this way to this very day. Matthew is quite the ham and since his Grandma Williams is a shutter bug he gets plenty of oppurtunity to show this.

He is so active and quite the crack up. For instance he saw a picture of me when I was nine months pregnant with his brother, I asked him who it was and he said "Mamaball!" I guess I did look like a mamaball!

Matthew enjoys learning his ABCs. He knows them all and can identify them when looking at something. He can also count to twenty. Matthew likes to sing in the car along with the songs on the radio. He loves to slide on anything that looks like a slide. As you can tell he loves Blue's Clues. He would probably jump right into Steve and Blue's world if he could!!

Matthew is such a sweet boy, always ready with kisses. Of course he acts like a typical two year old right now but we have almost survived this year! I can't believe my munchkin is getting so old.

Matthew with his best friend Daisy

Matthew was born with a rare disorder called frontonasal dysplasia. To learn more about this please look at our frontonasal dysplasia page.

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