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Jason and I were married in the middle of a blizzard on January 11, 1995. I think we just about gave my poor Dad heart failure when he arrived home from work on the 9th. He was barely in the door when I asked him what he was doing on Wednesday night, when he said nothing why? I asked him if we could get married in his living room! His face turned beat red as he sat down. Yes once again I suceeded in adding some more gray hair to daddy's head!..

With little notice and a blizzard on the way we managed to get a new suit for Jason, our wedding rings and My sister Dawn took me shopping the day of the wedding for my outfit. Not only that, she treated me to a full make over...what a great wedding gift that was. We ran all over the city to get all the things we needed to do done. We were completely exhausted by the time we were on our way to Mom and Dad's for the ceremony. As we were about to turn on to their street I said to Dawn, "If Jason or Sheila(my best friend) are not at the house when we get there I think I am going to loose it!" The weather was getting bad and I was scared that something was going to go wrong, up until this point absolutely every thing had gone well with such short notice. WELL, as we turned the corner, I could see neither our car or Sheila's was at the house :( I nearly flipped, thankfully they arrived shortly after I did.

Absoluety everything went off well and we were married by 7:30 that evening. After the ceremony we went to supper at The Keg. Once we were done dinner back to Mom & Dad's we went for cake, and a few moments to relax. Then Jason and I were off to a theme suite hotel for the night. We spent our wedding night in the Roman Room, it was very nice, our wedding gift from Sheila and her husband Danny. Our wedding was Very simple, straight forward and to the point. Although sometimes I wish that we had had a huge wedding with the big cake, fancy dresses, tuxes etc. from what everyone I know has said, They wish they had done it my way.

Once you view the photos you have to click the back button on your browser, for some reason I can't get anything else other than the photos to work on the page, but of course as always I am working on it.

Song Playing John Michael Montgomery, "I Swear"