Registration Information

Before registering, please take a few minutes to read through my terms of use. When someone registers, I visit their site to make sure that the site fits my criteria, and over the past few weeks I have had numerous registrations from people that don't give credit for graphics used, haven't started on their websites yet, and even a couple of sites where the content is not what I would consider "family friendly". With the amount of registrations I receive in a week's time, I just don't have the extra time it takes to visit sites and write lengthy emails explaining my terms of use to website owners that don't meet the membership criteria. It would be a great help to me if, before registering, that you jump on over to my Terms of Use page to review. My terms are similar to alot of other graphic sites that require registration, and are pretty straightforward. By doing this before registering, you will know, without question, what I expect from my registered members, and you will be saving me alot of time. Thanks so much for your help!

Free registration is required for use of my graphics on personal websites. If you have more than one website, you must register once for each site. I will also allow commercial sites to register for a one-time fee of $15, which will allow use of all present and future graphics. I also would like to mention that when I say "commercial use", I mean that commercial sites may use my graphics for website decorating only. Bottom line is that my graphics are not to be used for any project that is "for profit". If you would like to register, either for personal website or commercial website use, please fill out the registration form which is located below. If you have any questions at all, at anytime, please email me.

*Web Designers*: As of March 12, 2002, all web designers must register and pay a one-time $15 fee before using my graphics to put together websites for clients. Potential clients must complete the registration process as well (even if they don't choose to use my graphics at the present time), but there is no fee to the client as long as they are using my graphics for personal, "not for profit" websites. Any commercial use requires a registration fee.

*Printing Registration*: Starting October 6, 2002, I am no longer accepting registrations for people wanting to use my graphics for printing purposes. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Graphics on this page as well as my other personal pages are not for download. I created these graphics for my own personal use, and I ask that you please respect that.
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Midi "What Dreams May Come" is
used with permission
and is copyright © 2001 Bruce DeBoer
©2001-2003 Cobblestone Country Creations
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