Terms of Use

Please read through the terms, and if there is something that you don't understand, feel free to email me. If, after reading this page you agree to the terms, then please complete the registration process, at which time I will visit your site and send you the password needed to access my graphics.
1. You must download and save all images to your own computer. No direct-linking allowed.
2. Graphics are only to be used on "family-friendly" sites. Absolutely no use is permitted on sites with any adult content, any site that uses profanity, or has anything to do with pornography, paganism, witchcraft, or any other content that wouldn't be considered "child-safe", and I reserve the right to turn down any registration at my discretion. Websites must also contain more than one page of content.....not just one page of links or "under construction" signs. This allows me to verify that you believe in "giving credit where credit is due". Last but not least, as of 10-6-02, I don't allow my graphics to be used for any sort of printing purposes, so if you don't have a website, please don't register.
3. You must not alter the graphics in any way. If you need something resized, email me and I'll be glad to help.
4. Graphics are ABSOLUTELY not to be used to make PSP tubes, banners, logos, calling cards, awards, e-greeting cards, email stationary, etc. If you would like a specially made graphic using one of my images, please email me and I would be happy to make you whatever you need for a small fee.
5. Graphics are not to be used in any collection or offered for download on any website besides my own.
6. You must link the graphics back to Cobblestone Country Creations using this URL:
and not any URL within the password protected area. My logo must be placed on every page that you use my graphics.
7. I would appreciate it very much if you would use a "no right click" script on every page that you use my graphics. I know it's not fool-proof, but it sure helps.
8. If your website is in another language, you must provide english translation of your site.
9. "Commercial" use is allowed for website decoration only. My graphics are not to be used to create other graphics that are made available for sale.
10. (Added 7-5-02) After quite a bit of thinking, and receiving numerous registrations, I have decided not to allow membership to individuals who have websites in places such as MSN Groups. If you have an MSN Group or similar group where file sharing or access by numerous people is allowed, then please don't register. After doing some surfing among MSN Groups, I noticed that graphics are added to albums, and anyone browsing through the site can freely download any graphic listed in an album. The whole purpose of requiring regsitration is so that I can know who is using my graphics, and if files are available for anyone to download, then registration is pointless. I know that if people want to "borrow" graphics bad enough, then they will find a way, but requiring registration at least gives me some idea of who is using my graphics. This term is not meant to be disrespectful to any one person or any one group, and I am sorry for any inconvenience this causes.

Simple enough right? *S*
Oh, and one more thing.....drop me a line if you use a set! I'd love to pay you a visit!

Click here to register, and here to go back to the index page.
Scripts provided by Dynamic Drive
Midi "What Dreams May Come" is
used with permission
and is copyright © 2001 Bruce DeBoer
©2001-2003 Cobblestone Country Creations
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