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Since there are way too many to mention on the other webpage, I've listed them here complete with descriptions. And to make it even easier, I've divided them up into different categories so's no one will get confused. So, without further ado, my favorite links on the World Wide Web. Visit them, enjoy them, see just why each one kicks some serious tail.

Bands/Artists | Cartoons | Classics | Comic Books | Family | Historical
Mailing Lists | Miscellaneous | Movies | Radio | Television | Voice Actors

The following are links dedicated to some of my favorite artists and bands. None of the links are in any sort of order, except for the first, which I think is a pretty clear indication of who I think is the "toppermost of the poppermost."

Cartoons - The following are links dedicated to my favorite cartoons of past and present (but mostly past). Warning: Clicking on some of these links will create wave after wave of nostalgia!

Classics -
Ah, the classics. The following links are dedicated to many of the past shows and series that have shaped our culture as we know it today.

Comic Books - The following links are dedicated to comics, comics, and more comics. Some news sites, some official series sites, others publishers sites, these will guide you to the best of the best in comics today.

Family - When I was creating this page, I finally figured, what the hell. Might as well give my family a little plug of sorts. The following links are all websites created by various members of my family.

Historical - The following links are dedicated to various historical figures and battles (mainly having to do with the Revolutionary War). Okay-- I'm an American, and I do love certain American historical figures (namely General Francis Marion, aka the "Swamp Fox"), but as of late the Brits have captured my attention (especially Colonel Banastre Tarleton-- but I'm sure most of you know that by now!). So for now, the majority of these sites are Loyalist-based.

Mailing Lists/Discussion Groups - If you browse the links on this site and decide that you're interested in any of this stuff, take a look at some of the mailing lists I'm a part of, most of which have to do with the subject matter found right here on this site. Join up and you'll be able to find other weirdos like myself who enjoy the same interests.

Miscellaneous - Just about everything else I couldn't fit into these other categories. Sports, art, individual sites, and more!

Movies - A whole slew of sites relating to some of my favorite films. Some official, some fan sites. All worth your while!

Radio - The following are links relating to the only station(s) I listen to on the radio. Most of what I listen to is on CDs or cassette tapes, as (imho) the majority of music nowadays sucks. Hard. However, there are a couple decent stations left in my area. Gods help us when they are gone and we are subjected to MTV's music... *shudder*

Television - The following are links dedicated to the best shows on cable and/or television. There're lots and lots of shows out there, but only a select few are decent. This section lists 'em.

Voice Actors - The following links will take you to official websites, information sites, or fansites about the best voice actors there have ever been. It's a damn shame that these guys don't get more recognition than they do.


The Beatles - The best band in the history of music. 'Nuff said.

Macca Central - Everything you've ever wanted to know about my favorite musician of all time. Visit and swoon... *sigh*

MPL Communications - Paul's own little branch.

Bagism - Dedicated to another one of the best musicians of all time, John Winston Lennon.
John's, um, 'greeting', as Ringo and Paul look on...
Rammstein - The German sextet's own website. Guaranteed to be Till-icious! - Jobarr's tribute to Rammstein. Images, sounds, MP3s, tour dates and more.

Queen - The band's official website.

OIQFC - The site of the Official International Queen Fan Club. One Flick of the Wrist'll send you there. Or should I say "click of the mouse?"

Tadpole - The official site of the excellent New Zealand band, Tadpole. I don't care what country you live in, try to track down their first album "Buddhafinger," and their latest "The Medusa." You will not be disappointed!

Metallica - The band's official site.

godhead - A local band, these guys rock. I've seen them in concert about three times, and their music is top-knotch (incidentally, they're also one of only three bands/artists I've ever heard play a damn good cover of a Beatles song).

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CARTOONS - Anything and everything you've ever wanted to know about He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and it's sister show, She-Ra, The Princess of Power.

Yo - The essential site for every 3 3/4" G.I. Joe collector. - Extensive G.I. Joe/Cobra fansite featuring fan art, downloads, comic and toy information and more!

Quick Kick's Theatre - "Your source for information about Sunbow's animated G.I. Joe series." An incredible, unbelievably extensive website based on Sunbow's G.I. Joe cartoon. Hundreds upon hundreds of images, episode summaries, AVIs, and more!
He-Man, 'The Most Powerful Man in the Universe'!
Merklynn's Visionaries Website - Another incredible website brought to you by Rod Hannah, this is one of the only sites online based on the awesome 1980s cartoon Visionaries. Incredibly extensive, you can find character bios, episode summaries, images, WAVs, toy information, and more!

Slimer! and the Real Ghostbusters - A truly excellent and extensive fansite dedicated to the long-running animated series The Real Ghostbusters. Images, character profiles, animation cels and more! Who you gonna call?

The Ultimate ThunderCats Website - Tribute to the mighty ThunderCats and the other inhabitants of Third Earth.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The official TMNT website. There is a load of information on this site, including new information, clips and sound files from the new cartoon, as well as the original.

DragonBall Z - FUNimation's official DBZ website. Kamehameha!

DBZ Store - FUNimation's official DragonBall Z online store. Buy all the Vegeta gear you need here! And those other characters too, I suppose. If you're into that sort of thing...

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The Three Stooges - The official website of the greatest comedy team of all time. Is there any reason you shouldn't visit? Sointenly not!

Go Knuckleheads - Your primary source of all Three Stooges merchandise, and more.

Willy Wonka - A nifty little site that pays tribute to one of the craziest (and strangely, wisest) movies of all time.

Gilligan's Island - Website of the official GI internet fan club. If you can watch an episode of this show without wanting to kill Gilligan, well... you have nerves of steel. - Homepage of the actor who portrayed Gilligan on Gilligan's Island. Bob's a real nice guy, and his wife Dreama is an incredibly sweet person (and a fellow Beatles fan, as well!). I made them a couple of "Gillennium" graphics for their site a while back.

PythOnline - The official Monty Python website, updated whenever the hell they feel like it. If ya can't find your way, just let Daphne, the all-nude Tour Operator, guide you round.

MontyPythonDirect - The official Monty Python store. Buy something or piss off!

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DC Comics - The official site of my favorite comic book publisher out there.

ElfQuest dot Com - Wendy and Richard Pini's official site, and one of the best comic series of all time.
Jarek and Koj - The official website of Todd Dezago and Mike Wieringo's excellent adventure comic, Tellos. - Official website of the company putting out the fabulous Masters of the Universe comic. Stop by and check us out!

Alex Ross - The official website of painter extraordinaire Alex Ross. This guy is simply amazing; any subject matter this man tackles turns to pure gold!

Scott McDaniel - Home page of Scott McDaniel, one of my favorite comic book artists out there nowadays. His past work includes just about everything, including Nightwing, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Superman and Elektra. He's currently back working for the best comics company around, drawing Batman.

The Comics Continuum - Get the latest comic book news and info here.

News Askew - Your daily source for all things askew. - Extensive fansite dedicated to the Joker's main squeeze, Harley Quinn. Enter, if you dare...

Lobo Online - Incredibly cool site featuring DC Comics' Lobo, the toughest bastich who ever lived. Lobo Online includes interactive "webisodes," games, desktop images, screensavers and more! Definitely worth a look. Quick warning, though, only those 18 and above should enter this site. Or anyone who wants to see a helluva lot of blood and gore...

Gotham Girls - Yet another great site similar to the one above. 'Cept this one is fun for all ages! This site features the excellent female cast of the Batman 'toons, and is filled to the brim with interactive "webisodes," games, biographies and more!

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Pictures for Your Pleasure - My younger sister's website dedicated to her photography of the band godhead. She's an excellent photographer, and it wouldn't surprise me if she got a job in the near future doing this sort of stuff. She's got it nailed.

Guiltygal's Kewl Page - My youngest sister's website. Still in the early stages (I'm guessing), she has info about herself as well as a couple of pictures (something you'll never get outta me-- can you tell how different my sisters and I are?).

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Oatmeal for the Foxhounds - An extensive website dedicated to Banastre Tarleton, brought to you by none other than Marg B. FINALLY, Ban's found a place on the World Wide Web! Take a look at this excellent site, a delightful romp into this gentleman's life (which some historians I've heard friends speak of should especially visit-- they might actually learn a thing or two about this so-called "butcher"...). - "Your Internet gateway to the American War of Independence (1775-1783)." Not a lot of info on Banastre, but definitely worth a look around. This site has an incredible selection of links to choose from, all of which are Revolutionary War related.

Colonel Banastre Tarleton: The ultimate pre-Beatle Scouse iconAyer Company Publishers - Ever wondered what it was like to fly with the Wright brothers or fight in the Civil War? Well, now you can! This site has an excellent listing of books and information based on all history, not just the American Revolutionary kind. Buy books based on virtually any subject in history, or just browse 'round.

The Maryland Loyalist Battalion Home Page - "There are always two sides to every story." This site is dedicated to the men and women of Maryland who remained loyal to the British Crown during the Revolution.

Cowpens National Battlefield - The battle Ban is most associated with. Most unfortunate, since this is the only battle this young Colonel ever lost. At any rate, Cowpens' website features biographies on the officers involved in this historic battle, information on the battle itself, an online store and more.

Those Despicable Deadbeats - One of Long Island's stories concerning a young 24-year-old Banastre Tarleton, his troops and a bill-- still unpaid. (*Leanne giggles*) I don't know what's funnier, the story itself, or the webmaster's use of words to describe these young lads.

Jack Jouett's Ride - Another interesting story concerning our beloved Colonel Tarleton, this site tells the tale of Jack Jouett, a Captain of the Virginia Militia, and how he narrowly thwarted Tarleton's plans to capture Thomas Jefferson on June 3, 1781.

British Legion Cavalry Miniatures - Ever wanted to make miniature figures of Colonel Banastre Tarleton's Green Dragoons? Well, now's your chance! This interesting little site (no pun intended) gives detailed descriptions of the type of dress worn by Tarleton's troops, as well as other divisions of the British Legion. And as if that weren't enough, it also includes instructions on how to create these little guys!

Persistence of Vision: Who is the Swamp Fox? - See? I'm not completely into Colonel Tarleton and the British Legion. This is a direct link to a portion of Persistence of Vision's article interviewing Leslie Nielsen on his portrayal of General Francis Marion in the Disney live-action series (1959-1960) The Swamp Fox.

The Silver Whistle - "18C Military History, Literature & FUN, as the Doctor ordered!" Created by historian extraordinaire Doc M, this site is dedicated to whistle wielding Pattie Ferguson, "Edinburgh's own swashbuckling hero," and friend of Colonel Banastre Tarleton. Though mostly about this brave Scottish soldier, this site is brimming with Loyalist information galore: Poems, images, stories, and more!

The Loyalist Institute Home Page - "The On-line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies," this site is a haven for those who are in search of Americans who remained loyal to the British Crown during the War for Independence.

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Banastre Tarleton - This is a discussion group for those of us who are interested in this young Colonel from Liverpool. So far, 30+ members and goin' strong...

The Guardians of Grayskull - The oldest and largest He-Man discussion group on the 'net!

G.I. Joe - A discussion group dedicated to the G.I. Joe animated series. Meet other Joe and Cobra fanatics, like myself!

Visionaries - Finally, a discussion group dedicated to the most excellent Sunbow cartoon Visionaries, released in 1987!

The Graveyard Shift - A discussion group dedicated to the incredibly addictive television show C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation. This list is also primarily for those of us who are hoping "The Powers That Be" get in gear and get that inevitable Grissom/Catherine relationship going...

Gilligan's Island - A Gilligan's Island e-mail newsletter for fans of the show. Each month a newsletter is sent out to those who've signed on, giving information on the show, cast, and just about everything else GI related. You'd be surprised at how much info there is out there!

The Skinny - The official Sopranos e-mail newsletter! Get info on when the new seasons will air, when past seasons will re-air on HBO, cast info and more. Madonn'! Get to it!
Ward Burton
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BONC - If Paramount won't do it, then they sure as hell will! - Formerly, this extensive site contains more Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal Lecter fanfic than you can shake a fork-- err, stick at.

Thomas - The official website of Thomas Harris, author of what I like to call the "Lecter Trilogy"-- Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, and Hannibal-- as well as his first novel, Black Sunday.

Official Darwin Awards - The Darwin Awards celebrate Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by commemorating the remains of those who improved our gene pool by removing themselves from it. Check out nominees and winners of the past and present! - "The World's Biggest Collection of Freethought Products Online!" They take orders online, by fax or by mail. But you don't have to buy; you can just browse 'round!

SAB - Everything you've ever wanted to know about the book they call the Bible.

The Baltimore Orioles - The official site. Go Os! - The official website of my favorite baseball player. He's with the Texas Rangers now, but I'm trying to stay hopeful that when he ends his contract with them, maybe he can find a home again with the Orioles? Hey, I can dream, can't I?

NASCAR - The official racin' site.

Ward Burton - My favorite NASCAR driver's website.

Persistence of Vision - Official magazine of classic Walt Disney cartoons, movies, television shows, etc. One of the only places on the web I was able to find information about the Disney live-action series The Swamp Fox.

Rosemary West's Left-Handed Page - A page with great information for lefties, and an excellent listing of different lefty-related sites!

Famous Lefties - Ever wanted a detailed listing of famous lefties throughout history? This is the place to go. Feast your eyes-- we left-handers are a special breed.

Leonardo da Vinci - A truly bitchin' site that pays tribute to the best artist of all time (I don't even think I need to mention that he was left-handed). Very informative and visually stunning. Check this site out and learn from the best.
Psychic medium extraordinaire, John Edward
Mark Harden's Artchive - Take a look at some of the master painters and sculptors from long ago and realize just how much art sucks nowadays.

Web Gallery of Art - Another excellent source of master artists on the web.

John - Official website of psychic medium extraordinaire John Edward, host of the Sci-Fi Channel's Crossing Over. Not only is this guy incredible at what he does (whether or not what he does is real), he has an uncanny resemblance-- in both looks and speech-- to Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich. Separated at birth, perhaps?

flip flop flyin' minipops - This incredibly cute website takes your average bands, singers and actors, and turns 'em into minipops! Some animated, some not. ALL small.

NewGrounds - Ever wanted to assassinate certain annoying celebrities? Brittany Spears, perhaps? Leonardo DiCaprio? This is the place to do it! Tons and tons of games, cartoons, etc. Guaranteed to keep you busy for hours on end. Definitely not for the faint of heart or narrow-minded, though. You've been warned...

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The Internet Movie Database - The best place online to find detailed information about all your favorite movies, actors and actresses.
The Doctor is IN... - A great news site, dealing with movies, television, DVDs, gossip and more. You can check daily Nielsen Ratings here, as well.

Dark Horizons
- One of the best websites online for movie news of all kinds, updated daily.

Coming Attractions - Another great movie information site, updated daily.

Ain' - Yet another site dealing with news from around the movie and television industries. Though I absolutely hate the layout of this site, it does have great info.

Star Wars - The official site of George Lucas' bitchin' trilogy, as well as the prequel movies.

Counting Down - Excellent source of all things Star Wars on the World Wide Web. Images, desktop themes, screensavers.... It's all here.

Star Trek - The official site of Gene Roddenberry's sci-fi series (that's plural). The Next Generation was the best one outta the bunch, but go here to check it all out.

Fava - Ever had the sudden craving for liver, fava beans, and a nice Chianti? Then this is the place for you! A site dedicated to (quite possibly) the best character in the history of cinema (and novels too, now that I think about it), Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Feel free to listen to Bach's "Goldberg Variations" as you enter. Doctor Lecter would appreciate it.

Lecterphilia - Yet another Hannibal Lecter site to sink your teeth into.

The Matrix - Official site of the blockbuster movie that was The Matrix. Check this site for info on The Matrix's two upcoming sequels.

The Exorcist - The only, ONLY movie that has ever scared the hell outta me. And seeing the reissue of this flick (on opening day, no less) made it even that much freakier. *shudders* Enter, if you dare...
The 'Boys in Gray': (from left) Egon Spengler, Peter Venkman and Ray Stantz
The Patriot - I've know Revolutionary War buffs don't especially like this take on the Revolutionary War, but I loved it. It was never meant to be a documentary, after all. It's only a movie, people! The Patriot is primarily based on Francis Marion and Banastre Tarleton (with their names changed to allow for creative freedom). Mel Gibson is excellent, as usual, in his role (based on various Revolutionary War heroes, namely Francis Marion AKA the "Swamp Fox"), and Jason Isaacs really caught my eye with his brilliant portrayal of Colonel William Tavington (based loosely on Banastre Tarleton-- Ban was no where near this ruthless and cruel). Everyone would be well-advised to see this movie, and visit this official website. (And just keep your damn hands off Jason Isaacs-- he's mine ;) - Ah, you've gotta love this movie. Little did Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd know what they were getting themselves into when they came up with the concept for the "boys in gray." I mean, who doesn't remember this flick? It's still one of the highest grossing films of all time, and it was released in 1984. This "official" website is pretty useless (you can hardly do anything as far as navigating around), but the Shockwave intro is worth seeing, anyway.

Spook Central - Loaded, and I do mean LOADED with Ghostbusters information. Deleted scenes, information about the new DVD, GB scripts, and more! Did you know that the part of Louis Tully, played by Rick Moranis in the movie, was originally to be played by John Candy? Or that the script originally had Egon and Janine getting married in Las Vegas at the end of the film? Or that it wasn't Bill Murray, but John Belushi, who was supposed to play the part of Peter Venkman? All these little-known facts and more can be found here!

The Ghostbusters Homepage - This is a fan site created by Bill Emkow, and though it isn't being updated anymore, it's still a damn good site. Lots of Ghostbusters information, multimedia, links, trivia, etc. You can even get directions on how to make your own Proton Pack!

Gladiator - Official website of the movie Gladiator, starring Russell Crowe. A great flick, this one ranks up there with Braveheart as the bloodiest movie I've ever seen. But (like Braveheart), it was a very cool film. If you don't see it for the story or the acting (both of which were excellent), then by the gods, do it for the re-creation of Rome! Absolutely breathtaking; what more can I say?

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98 Rock (WIYY 97.9 FM) - Baltimore's rock station. I used to call this "the best rock station out there," but sadly, I can't rightfully say it anymore. Apparently, their programming-- though still better than most stations-- now consists of trash like Limp Bizkit. And they also decided to get rid of my favorite Disc Jockey, Aq. Needless to say, I don't listen to them much anymore. Hopefully they've still kept that daily dose of "Mandatory Metallica" every night at 10pm...

98 Rock LIVE! - Well, you can still listen to it for yourself and see what you think... At least the music they play is a nice blend of old and new. If only that "new" didn't have to include shite now... *sigh* Anyroad, all you need is a RealPlayer or Windows Media Player (both of which are free), and you'll be connected.

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The Sopranos - Madonn'! What are ya still doin' here? This isn't the best show out there for nothin', ya know! You think you'll find a better one? Fuhgeddaboutit!
Sal (aka 'Big Pussy')... Gone but NOT forgotten!  *sniff*
Sex and the City - Yet another top-knotch HBO series. Check out Carrie and Company at the show's official website.

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Okay, if The Sopranos is the best show on paid cable, then CSI is the best show on television. This is CBS' official site for the excellent series, and includes lots of cool features, my favorite of which is being able to "walk" through Grissom's office. Check out what he keeps in those containers, if you dare...

The History Channel - Pretty much the only channel I watch nowadays (with the exception of HBO when The Sopranos is on). Learn, friends. History isn't as boring as you might think. - The Unofficial Site of All Things Iron Chef. Check out this fansite dedicated to one of the strangest shows on the Food Network. Its cult-following is no surprise, as these cooking "battles" are so compelling that you'll soon be rooting for your own Iron Chef! (Incidentally, my favorite of the bunch is Iron Chef Japanese, Masaharu Morimoto).

Whose Line is it Anyway? - ABC's official site for this American version of the British improv show. Just let Captain Hair and the others be your guide...

The Crocodile Hunter - Steve and Teri Irwin's official site. Crikey!

Are You Being Served? The Web Page! - Site dedicated to one of my favorite Britcoms, Are You Being Served? Are you free?

Night Court - Dan's website dedicated to one of the best comedy series of all time.

Match Game - Site dedicated to one of my favorite shows on Game Show Network. If it doesn't have the "Big Three" (Richard Dawson, Brett Summers and Charles Nelson Reilly), it just ain't worth watchin'.

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Voice Chasers - An extensive site dedicated solely to voice actor recognition. Yes, that's right-- those little-respected individuals who give voices to your favorite cartoon characters. Faceless, and (sometimes) nameless, it is they who most of the time make or break a character, yet they hardly get any attention or recognition from the media or otherwise. Show 'em some respect, eh?

Christopher Latta - The Internet Movie Database's listing for the late great Chris Latta's acting and voice work. I refer to this guy as God most of the time (because let's face it, he is), and hell, you should too! Some of the many voices Chris has provided over his short career: Starscream (Transformers); Cobra Commander, Gung-Ho, Breaker and Steeler (G.I. Joe); Cravex and Darkstorm (Visionaries). The man is God.

Neil Ross - The official website of Neil Ross. This guy is simply amazing! He's voiced cartoon characters we all know and love from various series (G.I. Joe, Transformers, Visionaries, The Smurfs, InHumanoids, to name but a few), and he also does commercials and other various voice acting work. He's currently the narrator/announcer/the voice for the Game Show Network, and who knows what else! He's definitely one of the best.

Mary McDonald-Lewis - MaryMac's official website. This is the voice actor of Lady Jaye from the G.I. Joe series. Like Neil Ross, she too has an extensive list of voice acting work to her name. Many of you may recognize her as the voice of "Mary," OnStar's online computer, which can also be heard speaking to Batman in those nifty OnStar commercials!

Lorenzo Music - Mr. Music's official website. I was so saddened to hear of his passing in August of 2001, as he was definitely one of the best out there. Most known for his voicing of Garfield the cat, he also did voice work in various cartoons: Tummi from Gummi Bears, and Dr. Peter Venkman during the first season of The Real Ghostbusters, to name only a couple. He will be greatly missed.

Christopher Sabat - A fansite dedicated to the work of Chris Sabat, who voices many of the characters in the English-dubbed DragonBall Z anime. I realize that most people brush these guys off as not being "real" voice actors, but they are pretty important to the development of the series for American audiences (no matter how censored the episodes may be for airing on Cartoon Network). Chris does have a wide range with his voice, and I'd prefer it was he who continued to voice at least Vegeta for the remainder of FUNimation's run with DBZ (and GT in 2003). Currently, aside from VA directing chores, Chris voices DBZ's Vegeta, Piccolo and Yamcha.

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