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Welcome to The Greenmount Senior Center
[August]: (8/12) - Senior Eat-Out Day {Buffet Lunch} , (8/13) - Free Foot Screening , (8/18) - School Opening & (8/24) - MD State Fair [September]: (9/4) - Senior Day Baseball , (9/7) - Grandparents Day - Health Promotion & (9/26) - Fall Picnic


Trip Info
News Letter
Special Events
Korean Dance
Picture Gallery


Welcome 환영
¢Æ¢Æ¢Æ 410-396-3552±î?amp;#48380;티모어 한인 노인센터 ¢Æ¢Æ¢Æ

Welcome to the Greenmount Senior Center. The best place for Korean elders to begin a new way of happy, healthy life.
볼티모어 한인 노인 센터를 방문하여 주셔서 감사드립니다. 한인 노인들에게 즐겁고 건강하고 보람된 삶을 시작하도록 도와드리는 센터입니다.

To help Korean elders in Baltimore City overcome the language barrier and experience a new culture.
한인노인들이 새로운 문화를 배우고, 언어 장애를 극복하도로 도움을 드립니다.
Greenmount Members!
The image above is a picture of Greenmount Senior Center's members in 2001. 여자회원들 사진
Click above to see a larger image of it.

To educate and create opportunities for the elders to receive full benefits and ensure that their indivdual rights are being served.
회원들이 권리를 존중하고, 해당되는 혜택을 받을 수 있도로 교육하고 기회를 제공합니다.
Greenmount Chorus!
The image above is a picture of Greenmount Senior Center's Chorus
Click above to see a larger image of it.

To maintain their individual identites and independence through various social programs.
다양한 프로그램을 통하여 개개인의 개성과 독립성을 유지하도록 돕는다.

Exercise for Health!
The image above is a picture of Members' Exercise.
회원분들이 운동하시는 모습.
Click above to see a larger image of it.

To identify their daily problems and improve their quality of life by developing new services.
새로운 서비스를 개발하여 생활의 질을 향상시키고, 일생 생활 속에서의 문제들을 발견하도록 한다.

The image above is a picture of Greenmount Senior Center's Members.
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Click above to see a larger image of it.

To develop and enhance many cultural and social activites.
다양한 문화와 친교활동을 증진하고 개발시킨다.

?001-2003 Greenmount Senior Center. All Rights Are Reserved.

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Address: 425 East Federal Street Baltimore, Md 21202

Telephone: (410)396-3552   Fax: (410)625-0493  