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Gaulish-English dictionary (H - L)

Gaulish-English (A - B)
Gaulish-English (C - G)
Gaulish-English (M - P)
Gaulish-English (R - W)
Gaulish-English (some grammar)

I've done extensive research; each word in this list has its source in at least one of the books in the literature list below. But there still can be some misinterpretations in this list.

Comments on this list can be viewed here


hal, hall = salt (eg: Hallstatt)
hand = hand (NL)
h/atir = father (500 B.C.)
hattenux, atenoux = period of 14 days working, 1 day resting (m)
hel = river-meadow (#)
hen = the old - ?
hoofd = head (NL)


-i = daughter of -
-ialum = field, plain (R?,#)
iantu = jealousy
iantu(s), ientu(s), adiat, adiet = longing HL, JM
iesin = shining, beautiful (GL) PS
iesta = foam (GL) PS
ieuri = I dedicated
ieuru = he dedicated
imbas forosnai = king`s consecration, "to tell the truth"(GB)
imi = I am PS
in = in HL, JM
incoctilia= "carries casted metal" = tinned copper (looks like silver)
indas = these PS
inio = a certain place (#)
inter = between
-io = son of -
iouincillus = young ..... PS, HL, JM
iourus = they dedicated
isara = the swift (river name) (#)
isarno = iron
isarnus, isernodero, ysarnodori = iron HL, JM
iugera = a measure of an area, 10 iugera = 2,5 hectare
iugo = yoke PS
iugo(s) = yoke, harness HL, JM
iurca = roe-deer (name) PS


jovinc- = young


karnitu = "I heaped up" or "he placed"
kom- = (pC) (collective prefix) (GB) (pC) HM
kombrogos = fellow countryman (GB) (pC) HM
konan = king
kourmi = beer (see 'corma'?)
kwekw = to cook, ripen (pC) HM


labara = the loudly-rustling (#)
labro = to speak
laina = wool
lal = moist, dirtAS
lancia = lance
landa = land (pC) HM
langa = lizard
lanum = plain
lat = day (m) HL, JM
lautro = bath
lautro(s) = trough HL, JM
leeuwerik = lark (NL)
legasit = he placed HL, JM
legya- =sediment ? (pC) HM
lemos = elm
ler = sea (GB?,#)
letauia = earth HL, JM
leuce, louce = light HL, JM
leukos = forest
lexouii, lixouii = slope HL, JM
ligita = mud
Limoges (F) (#) BC, JM
linda = ? PS
linna = light cloak
litanos = broad
litano(s) = broad HL, JM
Litanobriga = broad-town (#) BC, JM
litavicos = the name of a military leader 52 v.C. (BB)
liuo(s),liuius = color,colour HL, JM
locos = of a lake HL, JM
lubi = love
luega, leuga = 1 Gaulish mile = 1,5 Roman mile = 2,22 km
lugh = sun-god
Lugdunum =Lyon, F (#) BC, JM
lugoues = tutelary gods of shoemakers (Leprechauns) (+) HL, JM
lugu(s), lugoues (plural) = light, moon, morning star HL, JM
Lutetia = Paris (#) BC, JM
luxtos = portion, load, people HL, JM

I hereby wish to thank Andrea De Vecchi, mr. J. Mascitelli and mr. X. Delamarre for adding many Gaulish words to this list.

More info about the writer / editor

Index Dutch bronze age
Index first farmers in the Netherlands