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This is me


This is me.

Someday this will be a cool web site where I have lots of neat stuff.

Right now, it just has this boring stuff:
I'd love suggestions for improving the site...

[ Bio | Pictures | Fiction | Friends ]

UPDATE: 4 June 99: New Nav Bars all over the place.
UPDATE: 16 June 99: Now a Proud Member of the Vanity Club,
added a few teasers from my Makeover.
UPDATE: 9 July 99: IT'S HERE! I've finally added a photo gallery of the pictures from the Jamie Austin Makeover.
UPDATE: 1 Nov 99: Fixed the scripts that got messed up when Angelfire added Ads. I'm going move as soon as I find an Ad-Free site.

I'm going to add a "Happenings" Page soon, where I can tell you about things like my trip to LasVegas (gambling as a girl!) and Utah (biking as a boy!).

A Proud Member of The Vanity Club

Here's something cool:

The Six Degrees of Amanda Richards
Please send me your entries for Amanda's web.
Based on the response so far, Amanda must be quite a camera hog -
No one is in any pictures with her... <g>

Thanks to the WebMonkey for teaching me HTML.
This website was designed and tested using Netscape Navigator.
It uses a bunch of JavaScript - Hope your browser supports it...
If it looks funny in IE, complain to Bill.

People keep visiting... Amazing!

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Copyright © 1999, Amy Davidson.