Illegal licenses -- and inept judges

When does a law meant to INCREASE the integrity of state drivers’ licenses end up as a mandate for giving illegals licenses?

According to the politicians and stuffed robes on courts, any time.

The NY legal system erred tragically, when it ruled on a case of fake and fraudulent drivers’ licenses. Apparently the same social security number was used over 50 times to get over 50 different licenses. Naturally, officials were suspicious, and proceeded to investigate, intending to revoke any licenses fraudulently obtained.

According to the new “real ID” law, which critics call a mandate for a nationwide ID card, invoking images of “1984”, those renewing drivers’ licenses must bring a list of several documents proving who they are. The result is that licenses easily issued to people who use fake social security numbers or other tricks of the bogus document trade can now no longer be easily renewed. Those with no legal license to drive can be taken off the streets. This not only limits the movement of potential terrorists –- the aim of the law, as few with legitimate intentions use false ID’s – but also addresses the issue of illegal aliens who drive without licenses, crash, and often have no insurance, to say nothing of ability to read road signs.

Sadly, the court ruled, in it’s ostrich-like lucidity, that “immigration status” cannot be used to revoke driving privileges.

How’s that? We already use “immigration status” to decide who gets deported. The notion of it not impacting the issuance of licenses is absurd. Moreover, the licenses in question were not about to be cancelled because the owners were illegal aliens – they were going to be cancelled because said illegal aliens used fake or stolen social security numbers. So even if the court buys the liberal poppycock that breaking immigration laws entitles one who doesn’t know how to read signs and most likely is uninsured, to drive the streets, that is irrelevant. The point wasn’t that the license-holders were illegal – the point was that their licenses were obtained fraudulently.

Well, one could ask – How ELSE are illegal aliens going to obtain licenses?

This hits the nail on the head, but does not address the argument. Protecting the integrity of a states’ license process is not the same thing as targeting illegals – though there would be nothing wrong with targeting illegals, as they HAVE broken the law. What the Puerto Rico Fund and the other ethno-lobbyists who led the legal charge in this absurd case forget is that the New York DMV didn’t single out these license holders because they were illegal aliens – the license holders singled THEMSELVES out, by making false license applications. The fact that making false license applications is about the only way illegals can GET drivers’ licenses, doesn’t change this fact. The NYC DMV didn’t say, “let’s turn up some illegals”. The Illegals said, let’s go to the DMV and get fraudulent licenses. There is a big difference. Despite the lawsuit’s claims that people need the licenses to work and transport themselves about the countryside, that notion is moot when you consider that these particular people are breaking the law every moment they have been IN the country and continue to do so.

Which leads back to New Jersey. Under the same “real ID” law that would force legal citizens to wait in long lines and present umpteen zillion documents to prove they are themselves, the Garden State will be giving “non-ID driver’s licenses” to illegal aliens – no questions asked.

That’s right, you aren’t misreading or having an embolism – yet. The same law that is argued will be too strict – shades of “1984” – is more like another Orwellian tome, namely, “Animal Farm”. Like a zoo.

While you or I will be forced to forgo renewing our license by mail, those who are here illegally, may or may not be terrorists or drug dealers, and drive uninsured, contributing to our oppressively high insurance rates, to mention nothing of the balkanization of our society due to their uncanny ability to refuse to assimilate, will be waiting in another line, where with minimal hassle they will be given a different sort of license, which permits them to drive around uninsured, so that they may continue to work for the employer who hired them illegally, while they commit all manner of motor vehicle violations. The result is a legally segregated society; you or I could drive without insurance, we’d go to jail or lose our license. What about these illegals?

Waiting in line and giving up one’s time to conform to stricter Id standards would be worth it if EVERYONE had to do it; then it would at least accomplish it’s alleged purpose. But as the plan now sits, we all give up our weekend camping at the DMV, while the illegals drive off scot-free with “keep driving illegally” cards in their pockets. The law has intruded on our convenience, time, and effort, whilst accomplishing nothing.

Those who wonder far and wide why the Garden State has such high insurance should look at its policy toward illegal aliens. More than once they have even been plaintiffs in civil cases, trying to collect for injuries resulting from some car crash, which may or may not have been their fault, but which would never have happened to them if they were not here illegally, in a country where they are not supposed to be against the law, and where they often can’t speak or read the lingo. Juries are often instructed that a plaintiff’s “immigration status” has no bearing on their right to collect for injuries that, indirectly, resulted from their, or their family’s, hopping the fence. But, at least, in those cases the fault is theirs Indirectly – though the cost of their profiteering from their illegal ways is no doubt high. In the NY license case, the link is direct. The illegals got fraudulent licenses. The fraudulent licenses were about to be revoked. So what? Revoke them, for pete’s sake, post-haste. Get ‘em off the roads.

Then, revoke those New York judges. If what they have planned, and what the Garden State has in mind, are any indication, the legal system’s attitude towards illegal aliens is so far left as to be falling off the margin of the page.

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