Rosenberg & Associates offers online consultation and supervision in the areas of sexual abuse, sexual deviancy, sexual addiction, sexual offending behavior, forensics, assessment, and treatment issues. For each service provided, the consumer will receive a professional, confidential, and descriptive response, which will include resources, feedback, information, referral information, and more. There are a number of different options available to meet your specific needs, such as:
Matthew Rosenberg, LMSW --specializes exclusively in the assessment and treatment of sexual abuse & deviancy. For much more information about Mr. Rosenberg, please see the main page.
Please note: All information exchanged will be kept strictly confidential. The only information that cannot be kept confidential will be suicidal or homicidal thoughts or behaviors, or if there is specific information (name, whereabouts, etc.)regarding a child under the age of 18 who is currently being physically and sexually abused. This service is by no means in place of, or presenting itself as, individual psychotherapy. Mr. Rosenberg is well aware that many people who may be in need of individual psychotherapy may be apprehensive about initiating it. Moreover, others, especially at first, feel more comfortable and confident discussing their lives and the possibility of engaging in individual psychotherapy, using a medium such as the Internet. Mr. Rosenberg can and will refer individuals who are in need of therapy to a clinic or private practitioner in their area. If you feel suicidal, or feel like you are going to hurt yourself or others, contact your local emergency services telephone number or call 9-1-1. Mr. Rosenberg and his colleagues cannot help individuals in a crisis/emergency situation online or through email.
If you are interested in the aforementioned services, and would like to find out more about them, please email Mr. Rosenberg. You can also select the following payment options:
Payment by Credit Card (Phone Authorization)
You can call Mr. Rosenberg and give him your order directly. He will personally take down your personal and credit card information and authorize it. You will receive an email receipt upon approval. You can call Mr. Rosenberg at 248-210-4498 24 hours a day.
Please make all checks payable to: Rosenberg & Associates 31201 Chicago Road Suite A102, Warren, Michigan 48093
Click here for our new Personal Coaching Services
Sexual Abuse Treatment, Research, Resource, and Referral
(click here)Online Trainings on Paraphilias and Sex Offender Typologies
More information about Mr. Rosenberg
Sexual Abuse Treatment, Research, Resource, and Referral Main Page
Training resource CD-ROMS
Understanding, Assessing, and Treating Sexual Offenders: Tools for the Therapist