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Book, research, journal, and author reference page


Ageton, S.S. (1983). Sexual assault among adolescents. Lexington, Mass: D.C. Heath and Company.

Allen, Craig. (1991). Women and men who sexually abuse children: A comparative analysis. Brandon, VT: Safersociety Press.

Amir, M. (1971). Patterns of forcible rape. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Barbaree, H.E., Marshall, W.L. & Hudson, S.M. (1993). The juvenile sex offender. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Bass, Ellen, & Louis Thorton. (Eds.). (1983). Never told anyone: Writing by women survivors of child sexual abuse. New York: Harper Colophon.

Brownmiller, Susan. (1975). Against our will. New York: Penguin.

Dolan, Evan M. (1991). Resolving sexual abuse: Solution-focused therapy and Ericksonian hypnosis for adults survivors. New York: Norton.

Douglas, J., & Olshaker, M. (1995). Mind hunter. New York: Scribner's

Elliot, Michele. (1994). Female sexual abuse of children. New York: The Guilford Press.

Everitt, D. (1993). Human monsters: An illustrated encyclopedia of the world's most vicious murderers. Chicago: Contemporary Books.

Gillham, B. (1991). The facts about child sexual abuse. London: Villiers House.

Groth, A.N., & Birnbaum, J. (1979). Men who rape: The psychology of the offender. New York: Plenum.

Hazelwood, R. R., Dietz, P. E., & Burgess, A. W. (1983). Autoerotic fatalities. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books.

Hazelwood, R. R., & Burgess, A. W. (1995). Practical aspects of rape investigation: A multidisciplinary approach, 2d ed. Boca Raton, Fla.: C.R.C. Press.

Kirby, D. (Ed.). (1984). Sexual education: An evaluation of programs and other effects. Santa Cruz, CA: Network.

Maletzedky, Barry M. (1991). Treating the sexual offender. London: Sage.

Marshall, W.L., Laws, D.R., & Barbaree, H.E. (1990). Handbook of sexual assault: Issues, theories, and treatment of the offender. New York: Garland.

McCahill, T.W., Meyer, L.C., & Fischman, A.M. (1979). The aftermath of rape. Lexinton, Mass: Lexington Books.

Michaud, S.G., & Hazelwood, R. (1998). The evil that men do. New York: St. Martins Press.

Perry, G.P., & Orchard, J. (1992). Assessment & treatment of adolescent sex offenders. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Exchange, Inc.

Sanderson, Christiane. (1990). Counseling adults survivors of child sexual abuse. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Schwartz, M.F., & Cohn, L. (1996). Sexual abuse and eating disorders. New York: Brunner/Mazel, Inc.

Journals and articles

Ault, R.L., Hazelwood, R.R. & Reboussin, R. (1994). Epistemological status of equivocal death analysis. American Psychologist.

Barbaree, H.E. & Marshall, W.L. (1988). Deviant sexual arousal, offense history, and demographic variables as predictors of reoffense among child molesters. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 6, 267-280.

Ben-Zvi, R. (1985). Adolescent rape: The role of rape crisis counseling. Journal of Adolescent Medicine & Health, Vol1 (3-4), 343-356.

Benoit, J.L. (1992). The abuse history of male adolescent sex offenders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol7(4), 543-548.

Bera, W.A. (1985). A preliminary investigation of a typology of adolescent sex offenders and their family systems. Unpublished master's thesis, University of Minnesota, Minn, MN.

Bera, W.A. (1989). Adolescent sex offenders and their family systems. Paper presented at Advanced Training for Treatment of Adolescent Sex Offenders. Sponsored by Canadian Child Welfare Association, Toronto, Canada.

Christie, M.M., Marshall, W.L., & Lanthier, R.D. (1979). A descriptive study of incarcerated rapists and pedophiles. Report to the Solicitor General of Canada.

Deisher, R.W., Wenet G.A., Paperny, D.M., Clark, T.F., & Fahrenbach, D.A. (1982). Adolescent sexual offense behavior: The role of the physician. Journal of Adolescent Health Care, 2, 279-286.

Dimock, P.T. (1988). Adult males sexually abused as children: Characteristics and implications for treatment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol3(2), 203-221.

Grossman, L.S., & Cavanaugh, J.L. (1989). Do sex offenders minimize psychiatric symptoms? Journal of Forensic Sciences, 34, 881-886.

Grossman, L.S., & Cavanaugh, J.L. (1990). Psychopathology and denial in alleged sex offenders. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 178, 739-744.

Groth, A.D., Longo, R., & McFaden, J. (1982). Undetected recidivism among rapists and child molesters. Crime and Delinquency, 128, 450-458.

Hall, G.C. (1995). Sexual offender recidivism revisited: A meta-analysis of recent treatment studies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 63, 802-809.

Haywood, T.W., & Grossman, L.S. (1994). Denial of deviant sexual arousal and psychopathology in child molesters. Behavior Therapy, 25, 327-340.

Landis, J. (1956). Experiences of 500 children with adult sexual deviation. Psychiatric Quarterly Supplement, 30, 91-109.

Marshall, W.L., Barbaree, H.E., & Christophe, D. (1986). Sexual offenders against female children: Sexual preferences for age of victims and type of behavior. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 18, 424-439.

Matson, J.L., Esveldt-Dawson, K., & Kazdin, A. (1983). Evaluating social skills with youngsters. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 12, 174-180.

McGuire, R.J., Carlisle, J.M., & Young, B.G. (1965). Sexual deviations as conditioned behaviour: A hypothesis. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 2, 185-190.

O'Brien, M.J., & Bera, W.H. (1985). Adolescent sexual offenders: A descriptive typology. Preventing Sexual Abuse, 1, 1-4.

Quinsey, V.L. (1984). Sexual aggression: Studies of offenders against women. Law and Mental Health: International Perspectives Vol1, 84-122.

Stermac, L.E. (1989). Adult sexual contact with children: An examination of cognitive factors. Behavior Therapy, Vol20(4), 573-584.

Wormith, J. (1983). A survey of incarcerated sexual offenders. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 25, 379-390.

Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment--Various Article of Interest

Visual reaction time and plethysmography as measures of sexual interest in child molesters, V10(2)81-96.

Visual plythysmograph stimuli involving children: Rethinking some quasi-logical issues, V8(4)267-272.

Psychometrics of the rape conformity assessment and other measures: Implications for rape prevention, V10(2)97-112.

Empathy, self esteem, and the adolescent sexual offender, V10(2)127-140.

Treatment may change risk prediction fo sexual offenders, V10(3), 175-182.

Plethysmographic assessment of incarcerated nonsexual offenders: A comparison with rapists, V10(3), 183-194.

Factors associated with denial in a sample of alleged adult sexual offenders, V10(3), 211-226.

Relationships between affective components and sexual behaviors in sexual aggressors, V8(4)279-290.

Mediating factors in the development of psychopathology in victims of childhood sexual abuse, V8(4)291-316.

Evaluating treatment efficacy with sexual offenders: The intensity of recidivism studies to treatment effect, V9(2)111-128.

How to know what works with sexual offenders, V9(2)129-146.

Relapse prevention: A critical analysis, V8(3)177-200.

Evaluating the contribution of relapse prevention theory to the treatment of sexual offenders, V8(3)201-208.

An Evaluation of the benefits of relapse prevention programs with sexual offenders, V8(3) 209-222.

Relapse prevention as a supervision strategy for sex offenders, V8(3)231-242.

Relapse prevention or harm reduction, V8(3)243-249.

Castration: A personal foul, V9(1)1-6.

Static and dynamic predictors of recidivism in sexual aggressors, V9(1)7-28.

Comparisons of daily stress, coping, problem behavior, and cognitive distortions in adolescent sexual offenders, V9(1)29-42.

Incacerated child molesters' perceptions of their intimate relationships, V9(1)57-74.

Proof positive: Pornography in a day-care center, V9(1)75-


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