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A Mountain Lookout

Mount Buffalo -- Victoria, Australia

Winds of Friendship

You dear friend,
are like the
chinook winds
that come sailing
down from the
mountain tops.
You blast aside
cold negativity with
your honest warmth.

I've watched as you've
reached out to others.
in pain and sorrow
Comforting them
easing their grief
with your tenderness.
Providing an ear
to listen not judge
their feelings.

You are a dear friend
like the chinook winds.
Warming all you caress,
with your vitality.
Pushing away
the numbing hurt
that life can place
before us all
with just a touch.

-Poem by Linda C. Reitz

My Other Pages

Love is Wonderful
I Love How You Love Me
Being Together
Secluded And Peaceful
Funny Of The Week
