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Jamie's Personal 4-H Biography

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Jamie cheers for GVSU!

Sugar Rae's Boo-Boo!

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sires suffhd herd
memorial awards

Check out Christopher's pages! He has updated his sports pages! 11-2003

Hey!! Want to nominate a site for the award we give? We love to go visiting! *GRIN* and don't miss checking out our winners list! These are well worth the visit!

We are busy with breeding time here at Northern Dreams Farm where kids and lambs will be born Jan-March this coming year! Our sires come from some of the top names in the nation for the goats and the sheep! We are looking forward to another successful season. Jamie welcomes her newest Alpine sire, *B Pearl Valley Goldenrod Captain! He is a 3yr old son out of Mello-Acres Goldenrod and PearlValley Sierra. (pic soon)

peering eyes

Memorial weekend 2000 brought a group of nice ribbons for her and the herd at the GLOM show. With Myth Maker Mr. going Res. Champion buck! Jamie Lynn was a successful exhibitor at the M.D.G.S. show in Corunna, Mi. June 20-21st '98! Her , Hot Flash , and the "girls" should feel very proud! Hot Flash went grand champion Alpine buck! Becky's Whisper went Grand Champion Junior Recorded Doe and then on to win Best In Show Junior Doe!! WOW!


Thank you to all the voters in the Alpine_Chat..."You know you have had Alpines/Goats too long when.." contest! Are you ready for some learning ,relaxation and just plain fun? Drop by and give it a try at Alpine_Chat!

From our farm to yours we hope your breeding season will be successful and that all your hopes and dreams come true!

We would love to hear from you!!! So click on the mailbox and type away..... mailbox

Please sign our guest book , we would love to know who was here! Leave your url if you have one so we may visit you too!!!

signbook viewbook

Please check out the RINGS that we belong to!

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