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Welcome to my page! I am Brenda! I love to design web pages and I love hockey, music, collecting dolls, unicorns, reading and more... and I love to do web graphics. I am an online supporter of Stryper Plus as my one main page shows I am a FANATIC of hockey!!!!

I am a wrestling fan also! I am a huge supporter of Bret Hart always and forever! Current faves are John Cena, Batista, Rey Mysterio (619 baby!) and Y2J!!!

I have lived all over! I have lived in Denver, Tampa, Orlando and Jacksonville, Florida, Columbia, SC, Brooklyn, NY, Danielson,CT, Cedar Rapids ,IA! I recently lived in the Motor City - Detroit, Michigan! In Southwest Detroit. Then in October 2005 I moved back to Tampa area to Port Richey FL where I live now!! I missed the sunshine! Yes, I can handle the hurricanes LOL! Ha! I am a HURRICANE at times! (smile)

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints! Not active currently though.

I am a fan of INXS! My favorite is Jon Farriss!Seen are some pics of Jon below!

I first liked them in the mid 1980's. I am saddened by the passing of Michael Hutchence, their lead singer for many years. I also like the Osmonds alot and Selena Quintinilla. I love to listen to music.
I am a mother! I have two sons! They are Joel and Daniel. I am protective of them so I won't post much here. They are wonderful men! Joel is 20 and Daniel is 18! I lost a daughter in the 1980s to a man who kidnapped her so ever since I have been soooo protective LOL

I am a BIG and I do mean BIG Evel Dick Supporter from Big Brother 8! In fact I plan a tribute page to him here! Dick ROCKS! Dick RULES! Dick is THE MAN!

I love him for his honesty! I love him because he just takes no prisonres! He is so funny as well and a genuinely nice man to every supporter of his! I know this because he is a MySpace contact of mine. I see how he takes the time to update everybody and to chat with his fans! His MySpace go see and check him out! The man is the best! Or better yet check out my MySpace come add me as a friend!

I have Dick, Vincent, Daniele and Nick as MySpace contacts! So I can definitely say I am a huge Donato fan! Come add me if you are too!

I am a longtime fan of The Osmonds! I am a serious Jay Osmond fan!

I also love the show SURVIVOR! I am a SURVIVOR addict!

Bruce Kanegei from Survivor Exile Island is now a good bud of mine! He recently sent me some signed photographs in the mail simply for being his friend! He is a genuinely nice man! I am a Survivor hopeful and want to try to get on Survivor 17! For all those Survivor fans out there ~ y'all may see me! LOL Wish me luck!

I hope you enjoy my page as it will show all my interests .

My cyber pet I adopted!

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Read newspapers from where I have lived...

Laurinburg (NC) Exchange Online
Where I was born
Tampa Tribune
Denver Post Online
The State
(Columbia, SC)
Danielson, CT white pages
Detroit News Online