
Welcome to 19-2000, a page for various cool things that wouldn’t really fit anywhere else on the page. Some links on this page are for smaller divisions of this site, but most of the links are for cool things I’ve come across on other sites. Great stuff to check out if you’re bored.

My All-Time 50 Favorite Albums

The Oregon Trail

Metal Gear Fiesta: The Twin Tacos

The Decline of Video Gaming


The Demented Cartoon Movie


Smack the Penguin and other Penguin games

Mario Twins


Super Mario 3 in 11 Minutes

The End of the World

Forehead Shavecut (most random cartoon ever)

Matrix-style Ping Pong

Hold the Button

Gorillaz GR3G Bomb Disposal

BMW Films

Dragon Ball Z in a Nutshell

Fly the Copter

Xiao Xiao

It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

Dr. Wily’s Happy Evil Fun Time Show

My Review of Heroes of Wrestling

Smashing Peanuts - “A Billy Corgan Christmas”

The Smashing Pumpkins 2nd to Last Performance

Wrestler Ranking Archives (1999-2001)

2002 BGM Pro Wrestling Awards

2001 BGM Pro Wrestling Awards

2000 BGM Pro Wrestling Awards

1999 BGM Pro Wrestling Awards