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[8th Gr Books]    [9th Gr Books]     [10th Gr Books]     [11th/12th Gr Books]              [Difficulty Levels]   [Genres]   [Title Index]   


Difficulty Levels


Poetry ] A ] B ] C ] D ] E F ] G ] H ] I J ] K ] L ] M ] NO ] P ] QR ] S ] T ] UV ] W ] XYZ ]


Level 1: Beginner Books

Level 2: Early Books

500s & 600s 

and short

Level 3: Very Easy 

500s - 600s

700s if short

550 560  580 580 590 600 630  630  630  640   660 670  680   
Level 4:  Easy 


lower and shorter

 700  710 720 740  750  750 750 770 780  800  810  820  980 (very short) 
Level 5: Easy

Upper & Longer 700s

 lower & shorter 800s

720  760  760  770  770 810 840 850  920 1020  1060
Level 6: Mostly Easy

Upper & Longer 800s

 lower & shorter 900s

 lower if long

650 690  740 760880 890   910 920  940 970
Level 7:  Somewhat  Difficult


780  870  910 930 940 950 970 970 990 990 1000  1010 1170 1070     
Level 8: Moderately Difficult


970 990        1000  1000 1000 1010 1020 1040 1040 1060  1060    1070 1080 1080 1090 1090 

Level 9: Difficult


1070   1110 1110 1110 1120 1130 1120 1150 1170  1170 1170 1190        
Level 10: Advanced Readers


    1200     1210 1230 1250 12901320 

Level 11: Very Advanced Readers


1350 1370 1370 1380 1410 1420 1450


What are the numbers? See the Lexile website.