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The Arctis Exchange

The Shakopee Community Arts Council, the Faroese People's High School, and Joel Cole present:

The Arctis Exchange

A Cultural and Artistic Exchange Program between Minnesota, USA and the Faroe Islands.
For serious artists looking for alternative inspiration for their work.

Questions Addressed in Text

An intensive, six-week experience for artists seeking a unique and foreign environment in which to explore their craft. Endorsed by the Shakopee Community Arts Council, the City of Shakopee, the Faroese school Foroya Folkahaskuli (Faroese People's High School, and Edmund Joensen -- former Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands, this program is designed to foster better international understanding, offer an unusual travel/study destination, and provide artists with unique inspiration for their work.

East-bound students will experience the unique beauty and charming culture of the Faroe Islands -- an isolated archipelago in the North Atlantic Ocean. Artist will reside in the capital of Torshavn and have an opportunity to travel throughout the eighteen inhabited islands, meeting nationally recognized artists in their appropriate art disciplines.

During an exchange artist's stay in the islands, one can opt to spend five days in the charming city of Klaksvik. Located two hours north of the captial, Klaksvik boasts a thriving artists community and a small house reserved for visiting/working artists.

West-bound students experience the diverse, multi-faceted art community of Minneapolis/St. Paul while conveniently living in Shakopee, a quiet suburb located away from the city. Families familiar with the Faroe Islands, and willing to accommodate the needs of an artist, will act as host-families, providing residence, meals, and limited transportion.

Artists chosen for this program are responsible for their own airfare and spending money. Program liasons provide orientation, living arrangements, weekly social agendas, domestic travel arrangements, and ongoing cultural guidance. Application deadline is February 1st of every year. For additional information and application forms, contact Joel Cole at email below.

If you have additional questions about the information in this Website, would like to contact Joel, or would like to request his services in any capacity, please fill out the Information/Request Form.

The Arctis Exchange/Faroese Link Sites

Comprehensive Intro to the Faroe Islands
Info of the Island's Internationally Recognized Whale Hunt
Links to Additional Faroese Sites
Faroese E-mail Directory
The Faroe Islands Connection

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