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DruidLogo.jpg (12437 bytes)The Conclave of the

Citanul Druids

"Driven mad by the fall of Argoth, the Citanul Druids found peace only in battle."

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After the fall of Argoth, the remaining Citanul were a people left with ravaged hearts and a blinding hope of vengeance. They could see nothing else but the death of all who had come to the island against their will. The Citanul were meeting within the trees of the last remaining realm of Argoth as the last inhabitants of Argoth, when a figure was seen through the trees. At that moment every hand stood ready to conjur forth ancient magiks unknown to all but the Citanul, at the first sign of the stranger's hostility. But when the figure approached, it became clear that he was not of human-kind. As the firelight illuminated his body, the markings of the Citanul could be found on his face and along his arms. Then arose the eldest of the Citanul. Moving with the age of time itself, he made his was over to the druid and greeted him,

"Come forth young one, you have much to learn..."

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Welcome to the Conclave of the Citanul Druids

The Conclave of the Citanul Druids Magic: the Gathering site has deck lists, awards given to cards, an encyclopedia with art, combos, and a links page. You can contact me by sending an e-mail to me at or by clicking here. Tell me what you think about my site and give me suggestions.

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