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What right do I have to advise anybody? None! Other than the fact that I 've screwed so many things up,
I could provide Supreme Court evidence on what DOESN'T work
Ever get WAY out of your element? Been there- done that too..

This week's tip:

"Greetings, Fellow Diplomats"

Sure I'm proud to be an American.
But I'm not always proud OF Americans.
Here we sit, on 4% of the world's dirt, acting like we own every grain of sand on the planet.
Are you aware that MOST of our overseas neighbors consider us loud, boisterous, bossy,
and prone to negotiate at gunpoint? Well, they do. Because THAT's what we show them!
Ever watch a bigshot
in an airport lounge, barking commands
and expecting everyone to laugh at his dirty jokes?
What you're witnessing is a person who never outgrew his "playground bully" status.
He's not-only too dumb to reflect, he's too egotistical to learn!
Ask him politely to suck his thumb for the reporters.
Naw - it wouldn't help.
I was in a REAL "diplomatic" situation for a few years,
where it "behooved me" to ignore our flag being burned.
Well, I got as close as I could and listened,
trying vainly to understand these clowns' positions.
I finally realized that THEY didn't represent a majority,
nor did they appreciate the distaste they were generating for their cause.
( Just don't be the next one I catch burning my flag - NOW I only represent myself!)
Consider this incident:
Tragedies occur all over, all the time. And most aren't even reported.
I remember a well-tanned, pretty girl who worked in a factory in LA in the 1970s.
And she thought her minimum-wage job was Heaven itself !
Turned out, her family had started WALKING here, from San Salvador a year before,
fleeing from drug-runners who burned her village.
Her father was soon captured and shot,
then later she was forced to watch geurillas rape & dismember her mother.
Her only brother made it into Mexico where he was taken ill,
and despite her best efforts and prayers he too died.
So here she was, an 18-year-old SOLE SURVIVOR who had MADE IT to the States.
She was staying with a sympathetic Mexican family and was looking forward to better times.
And her PROUD American co-workers considered her "just another wetback".
I often wonder, now that she's 40-some, what she thinks of them -----
The ONLY way to overcome this sorta crap is to
provide a BETTER image BY YOURSELF !
You don't have to preach, you don't need an education, just use your head.
Because nowdays, you are ALWAYS on a diplomatic mission.
I remember the day this Spring when I had encouraged
my Mom to explore an overseas chat room,
only to have some IDIOT type her a totally unwarranted, very rude offer.
That one idiot not-only spoiled her chat-room experience,
he probably convinced her never to visit HIS country again.
So you're ALWAYS on a diplomatic mission,
ESPECIALLY on the Internet!