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The flags that  line the streets of New York by the UN

This is the electronic equivalent of the United Nations, you can join us and you have representation on up to 4 organs which are like big committees who watch over different things-

General Assembly
- not binding decisions, they look over everything but they pass it on to other smaller organs to decide depending on the issue. All countries are representation on this organ.

Five Committees that make up the GA.
Legal issues pertain to international law
-Special Political things that have global concern
-Social, Humanitarian & Cultural, human rights, hunger, human conditions
Economic & Financial, trade and economic issues
-Political & Security, Military and Peace Discussions

Security Council- the only organ with binding decisions, they look over all military actions and/or dispatch peace-keeping troops. They decide on things with international peace and  security. On the council are-
Argentina, Bangladesh, Canada, China, France, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mali, Namibia, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States.

I.C.J. ( International Court of Justice)-
This organ is designed to settle disputes involving international law. Other countries not in the court, may submit cases for the ICJ to decide on. Countries on this court are-
Algeria, Brazil, China, France, Germany , Hungary, Japan, Madagascar, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Sierra Leone ,Sri Lanka , United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela.

ECOSOC ( Economic and Social Council)-
This is an organ designed to address economic, social and humanitarian importance. This organ also will submit a budget for consideration by the General Assembly by the end of the United Nations year. The countries that are in the ECOSOC are-
Algeria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Cape Verde, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, El Salvador, France, Gambia, Germany, Guinea Bissau, Honduras, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, Morocco, Mozambique, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Spain, Sri Lanka, Syria, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia.

All four organs shall have forums. We will discuss and pass resolutions (solutions) on problems that are brought up. We need at least 5 members. But if you have any questions, any at all please feel free to e-mail me at

Electronic United Nations | Introduction | Previous Speeches and Resolutions | Some links to help you | To sign up | Organs and Committees
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