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Bill Dahn
CONTACT ME: Helping Native Americans
Freedom Fighter for All People, Hobbies - Cars

William Paul Dahn
Homestead 256 Morton St. W
St. Paul, Mn.55107
Tel: (651) 453-1992
Personal web page:

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City Pages Article, "Man out of Time" - Download it!
Click here for video clip of Jesse Ventura & Dean Berkley with Bill Dahn (other Independence Party Candidate for Governor): pre-election, Mn. Governors Race, 1998.

NOTICE: This involves over 15 minutes download time with 56 K dial up Interner Connection!

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Kare 11 coverage

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ORDER $12.95

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Always Cheat reveals how Jesse Ventura, and his campaign chairman Dean
Barkley, violated Minnesota law by bribing a registered candidate for
governor to withdraw from the Reform Party in 1998.
They had two reasons for their illegal act: one was so Ventura could keep the
radio talk show he was hosting, and the other was to remove Ventura's
competition in the September 1998 Reform Party primary election.

Always Cheat
describes how Ventura and Barkley, along with Ramsey
County Attorney Susan Gaertner, "controlled" and "fixed" the subsequent

Always Cheat
describes how Susan Gaertner's romantic relationship with
her employee, John Wodele, caused her to violate the trust of elected office
and pervert the law.

Always Cheat is factually supported with recorded investigative interviews,
transcripts, voice mail messages, video recordings, government memos, news
articles, letters and personal interviews.

Always Cheat confirms that Ventura was not a U.S. Navy SEAL while on
active duty, as he has claimed on several occasions. It also confirms that
Ventura was never engaged in combat, another of his false claims.

Always Cheat lists Ventura quotes that verbally abuse groups of people.

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BUS Jesse Ventura Certification About Bill Political

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This site presents biographical data about Bill Dahn: the Humanitarian, Community Activist/Volunteer, and Friend to many in need. This site is not intended to be a political advertisement or forum. OpusArts LLC. does not endorse or condemn any political opinions which may be inferred by viewers of this site. The contents of this site is supplied by Bill Dahn and Associates. OpusArts LLC. is not responsible for the content of this site.