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I figured you might want to know a little bit more about what I do in my free time, *besides constantly working on this site*.

So I've provide links to places I visit and that I'm part of so you can get a little picture of who I am.

Just a little about me in words...I'm a college student who will be graduating this spring!! I love reading, writing, and listening to music. I spend most of my free time on the computer as the school still pays for my internet!

I have two younger sisters and a great set of parents who have been married for over twenty-six years. My mom's mom and dad will be married for fifty years in June.

My parents own a cat named Frisky and a dog named Shelby. Both are babied beyond all belief.

I've had many relatives serve in the Armed Forces. My dad was in the Navy, my mom's dad was in the Air Force, my dad's dad *deceased* was in the Army, an uncle *deceased* who was in the Sea Bees *part of Navy* and a cousin who served in the Marines.

Well there is a little about me. Hope that gives you a better picture along with the links, which are also listed on the Links Galore page.

Here are some links to pages that are supporting our troops in one way or another:
Presidental Prayer Team
Adopt A Platoon

Here are links to a Christian email service, and to the Code Amber homepage where you can get your Code Amber ticker:
Code Amber

The Site Fights Blooming Baskets
Send a Blooming Basket!

I will be adding more to this as I think of things to put up....

Freedom Girl
This doll was made at: Josie's Dollz

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