One of the greatest pleasures in life,
Is sittin' on my front porch;
I don't need a light,
And I don't need a torch.

Early in the morning,
Or as the sun is going down;
It may be very quiet,
Or there may be many a sound.

I can watch lots of birds,
As they rest on my feeder;
Cardinals, Finch, Chickadees and Bluebirds,
Or a Blue Jay who is the leader.

I can sometimes see a deer,
Or a red fox that scampers by;
It's then I know God's with me,
To bring such beauty to my eye.

I watch cars and trucks drive by,
As they follow their daily rush;
But the time I cherish most,
Is when the air is hushed.

Sitting on my front porch,
Is often the highlight of my day;
As I talk to God of my world,
And He shows me His way.





 ©Sandra S. Oidtman