Many poems have been written about
mothers but the truth is that a mother's
heart is broken over and over but she
sheds those tears gladly because she
loves her children.

As the rain pours down,
I think of tears that fall;
During a child's life,
A mother cries them all .

When a child takes a fall,
And lets out with a cry;
A mother's heart lurches,
And a little of it dies.

A mother must watch,
As a child's heart breaks;
Her own heart is shattered,
That's all that it takes.

But a mother never regrets,
The tears she must shed;
For the love she receives,
Will keep her soul fed.

The tears a mother cries,
Are dried by our Lord above;
For the tears of a mother,
Are little droplets of love.

Happy Mothers Day

to all the mothers of this world!








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