





Mums are adorned in beautiful gowns,
Pumpkins and gourds are all around;
Hay bales and scarecrows fill the scene,
While trees begin shedding their green.

Orange and brown and gold are there,
Birds start migrating to weather fair;
Witches and jack-o-lanterns come about,
Autumn is in the air, no doubt.


Soon trick-or-treaters will ring the bell,
Who are they? Can we tell?
Then the turkey will strut his stuff,
He's on the menu, that's enough.


The holidays will soon be here,
With all their hubbub and all their cheer;
Take the time to savor each day,
It won't again come this way.

The years speed by ever so fast,
And each day never does last;
So enjoy each day God gives to you,
You will want to thank Him, too.

©Sandra S. Oidtman - 2013





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