Sit with me and tell me your troubles,
I promise you I will listen;
Then we'll take a leisurely walk
Down to the lake to see it glisten.

Sit with me and share your life,
Tell me of work, school and home;
I miss sharing your beautiful days,
My mind, it will not roam.

Sit with me and have a cup of tea,
It's been so long since we've talked;
I miss the laughter in your eyes,
I miss the way you balked.

Sit with me one more time,
Let me see your lovely face;
Then I will let you leave again,
To join the world's rat race.

Sit with me while you still can,
I will not always be here;
I'll fill your time with my silence,
You fill mine with cheer.


© Sandra S. Oidtman - 2011

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