Spring is on the way,
It gets closer every day;
Soon we'll see brand new leaves,
And all the colors that God weaves.

Hyacinths and crocus pop out of the ground,
The weather soon will turn around;
Iris will bloom yellow and blue,
Green will be everywhere, it's true.

Jonquils will soon wear a yellow crown,
And flowers will bloom in colorful gowns;
The snow will be gone all away,
Warm temperatures will be here to stay.

We'll hear the song of birds in flight,
And see the stars on a clear night;
Squirrel and rabbit will soon be seen,
All the scampering will keep them lean.

Then the grass will be ready to mow,
And some spirits will then be low;
But, as for me, I'll praise God,
For bringing spring to my humble sod.

©Sandra S. Oidtman - 2011


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