Thank you, Lord, that I can see,
All Thy color comes to me;
Thank you, Lord, that I can hear
Birds, the wind and children dear.

Thank you, Lord, that I can taste,
All Thy bounty I will not waste;
Thank you, Lord, that I can smell
The scent of flowers I love so well.

Thank you, Lord, that I can feel,
Brothers and sisters I pray to heal;
Thank you, Lord, for singing birds,
Their praises I have often heard.

Thank you, Lord for a good night's sleep,
So in the morning I will not weep;
Thank you, Lord, that I can hope,
With all my problems You can cope.

Thank you, Lord, for all my joy,
For sending us Your little boy;
Thank you, Lord, for the Christmas season,
Help us always to remember the reason.

But, most of all, Lord God above,
Thank you for Your amazing love;
You sent Your son for all to see,
He saved my soul and set me free.




© Sandra S. Oidtman