Wanna trade your tears and pain
For joy and lasting happiness?
Wanna trade your broken heart
For a love with great success?

Wanna trade your empty life
For fulfilled dreams and days so full?
Wanna trade your anger and pride
For a king with lasting pull?

Wanna trade all that's ugly
For serenity and peace?
Wanna trade that envy and hate
And on life find a new lease?

I found the answer years ago
And my life is filled with joy;
There is no great big secret,
The answer's Mary's boy.

Wanna trade unhappiness
And put joy in its place?
Then talk to Jesus, my Savior,
He'll send you God's holy grace.

Do I wanna trade my life
And be rich as a king?
No, I can live without riches
With joy that makes me sing.


Majestic Websets
Penny Parker, Artist