Though this life may be short,
God gave you wings to fly;
You can follow your dreams,
Follow your heart to the sky.

You have the power to grow,
You have the power to live;
You can effect lives,
You have the power to give.

Give a crying mom your shoulder,
Give a struggling student a hand;
Give a stranger your smile,
Giving makes life, oh, so grand.

Yes, you have wings to fly,
And even though they can't be found;
You can flutter through this life,
And leave your mark strong and sound.

Life is a temporaty thing,
Money won't last past this day;
Help your brothers in this life
If you want to find your way.

Follow your heart on life's path,
And always wonder why;
God has been so good to you,
And given you wings to fly.

©Sandra S. Oidtman 2005

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Sandy's poetry

Magic Place

link to next poem, Cleaning

The Good Lord has given each of us a way to leave our mark on this world. It need not be some grand building or even a poem or book. You leave your mark on the people around you by the way you treat them. A smile costs nothing but can often brighten someone's day. A pat on the back or an encouraging word can be a treasure beyond compare.

"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." James2 1:22